v17 Recently Added movies
When I add movies to my NAS & scan them into Kodi, I would assume that I could always find them easily looking under Recently Added. But it seems like Kodi sorts by year of release? Shouldn't it be by the added to database date? I was told that it could be "skin specific", which seems odd to me, but I thought I would ask in here, since Transparency! is my default skin.
Thanks for any help.
Nvidia ShieldTV (2017)+Omega
My recently added works like a charm, I just recently found a very old title, added it and it shows up in the recently added. I believe this function is just pulling up an internal smart playlist. What version of T! and Kodi, a proper debug log is needed if you want to get the attention of the skinner.

This will pull last added for 4 weeks, you can change these numbers to fit your taste.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<smartplaylist type="movies">
    <name>RA Last 4 weeks</name>
    <rule field="dateadded" operator="inthelast">
        <value>4 weeks</value>
    <order direction="ascending">dateadded</order>
I have 17.3 Kodi & have also switched thru 5 different skins to test, all are the same. Last night I added Angry Red Planet (1959), saw the title as Kodi scanned it, but when I went into Recently Added , nothing showing.
I will admit that I'm not very skilled in editing xml files, especially on Android. I certainly haven't done anything inside Kodi other than to initially set it up on the FireTV2.
Nvidia ShieldTV (2017)+Omega
The code above is just a cut&paste with a text editor into a file called 'Recently Added 4 weeks' save as an .xsp file (ensure the extension doesn't have .txt in it) into C:\Users\Your_USER_Name\AppData\Roaming\Kodi-2\userdata\playlists\video or make your own in the provided Kodi function to add 'new smart playlist'. Smart playlists (wiki) I note: no debug log provided (which might offer a clue to your issue.)
(2017-08-03, 18:36)PatK Wrote: The code above is just a cut&paste with a text editor into a file called 'Recently Added 4 weeks' save as an .xsp file (ensure the extension doesn't have .txt in it) into C:\Users\Your_USER_Name\AppData\Roaming\Kodi-2\userdata\playlists\video or make your own in the provided Kodi function to add 'new smart playlist'. Smart playlists (wiki) I note: no debug log provided (which might offer a clue to your issue.)


Will work on providing a log later today, although as I mentioned Kodi is on a FireTV, not Windows box. Although I am not sure it is a "skin" issue, since it happens with every skin I currently have installed.
Nvidia ShieldTV (2017)+Omega
I noted that, and you might have to reinstall to get the functionality back, doesn't look like a T! skin issue off hand, get those smart playlists working and you'll not be too worried about recently added.
(2017-08-03, 21:31)PatK Wrote: I noted that, and you might have to reinstall to get the functionality back, doesn't look like a T! skin issue off hand, get those smart playlists working and you'll not be too worried about recently added.
Yes, I've considered that as perhaps installing numerous skins & their required dependencies make have borked something along the way.
Nvidia ShieldTV (2017)+Omega

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