1080i slide problems - still there
i have downloaded and tried with great hopes the most recent release of xbmc (2003-12-11).

but it is still not perfect: 1080i images still do not show correctly - half of the screen is blank (the top half - and it is actually black) and the bottom half has a picture in it - but only part of the full picture.

720p works fine.

am i doing something wrong here?

thank you for looking into this,

nope, you're not doing anything wrong. i fixed this (hopefully!Wink about an hour or so ago. note that i cannot test this out, as i do not have a hdtv capable system. (indeed, hdtv capable devices are extremely rare in new zealand).

hopefully it should be fine now.
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great - thank you!

i will be unable to test it for a week or so - but i will keep you posted about potential problems in a week.

just a side note: using a composite to vga adapter (like to kd-xb for $69.-) allows you to see hdtv on your computer monitor. i use this quite a bit, if i am too lazy to set up my x1 video projector...

in the xbmc cvs 2003-12-11 the same bug like the cvs 2003-12-08 is still there when playing a .wma file and skip/select another .wma file while still playing the xbox/xbmc crashes.....

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1080i slide problems - still there0