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Req Any way to weave in bumpers into a randomized music video smart playlist?
Outside of PsuedoTV Live! or some other addon, I mean. I am aware that PseudoTV Live! is capable of it, I'm just not clever enough to figure it out without some hand holding. I was able to figure out how to add my currently existing smartplaylist which is (AFAIK) set to play videos in order of least played and randomized but I'm not even sure if I really succeeded in that or seems to work--and I added that to PseudoTV Live! as channel 999 for my use. Theoretically I should be able to weave in another hidden channel with a directory of bumpers but I get lost after that point.

Which is why I'm asking if there's any way to bypass the need for an external app altogether and see if anyone can instruct me how to simply create a smart playlist that plays through all my music videos and after every so many minutes plays a bumper for me so I can have my MTV back.

Thanks in advance!
Sorry for the silly question. What is a bumper?
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(2017-08-20, 01:43)Karellen Wrote: Sorry for the silly question. What is a bumper?

It's a station ID. Like these classics.

Basically I want to play three or five videos and then have a short video mixed in at a random interval like the ones in that playlist play before continuing on to play videos again for something like ten or twenty minutes. Might even hunt down the Encyclopedia Britannica kid for old times' sake even though I hated those commercials when I was a kid from seeing them overplayed. Anyone else remember this guy?
Oh, right. Thanks for explaining that. Smile
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(2017-08-20, 02:43)Karellen Wrote: Oh, right. Thanks for explaining that. Smile

No problem, glad I could help!

Say, is this in the right place for this discussion? I wasn't sure if it should be here, in the video section, or in tips (but I'm asking for a tip or a guide, not trying to give one so I thought better of it.)

Yes, this as suitable as any other of the sub-forums. I think you will get more exposure here though.
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It's been a few years.  Has anyone figured out a way to do this yet?


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Any way to weave in bumpers into a randomized music video smart playlist?0