So happy to find this. It's what I backed the original Lifx Kickstarter for in the first place.
Had some issues which I fixed, and wanted to share with anyone having the same issues.
1) Firstly, I downloaded the zip from the OP GitHub link. This gave me a zip
Inside that was folder 'NateKodilifx-master'
Inside that was folder service.NateKodi.LIFX and a zip called
2) That was my first confusion. After trial and error, I decided to copy the folder service.NateKodi.LIFX to my desktop.
Inside that folder was the three files 'addon.xml' 'lifx.cfg' and ''
3) I opened lifx.cfg (used Notepad++ instead of Notepad as it is easier to read), and entered my apiKey obtained from (you have to create a new apikey using the 'generate new token' link). I left the rest as my Kodi box is already in the same room as my Lifx group 'Living Room'. I then saved the file (when using Notepad++ you have to save it instead of just closing it).
4) I then created a zip containing the folder 'service.NateKodi.LIFX' that I copied to my desktop in step 1. I made sure that in the root of the zip was just this folder, and not the cfg, xml and py files which should be inside the folder itself.
5) I then copied it to a USB, and installed the addon via the usual Kodi method.
This is where the second problem was encountered, as when I played a movie to test it, nothing happened. I therefore checked the logs of Kodi and saw that it was getting an error when trying to connect to the address "" This jumped out at me as I know the address for the api should be .com not .co
6) Despite having zero python experience, I then went back to step 3, but this time edited '' using notepad++. I found only one reference to the problematic address, which if using notepad++ was on line 82:
lifxCloud = ''
So I simply changed this to:
lifxCloud = ''
I then rezipped the file as in step 4, copied the new file to my KodiBox, uninstalled the addon, rebooted my KodiBox, and reinstalled it.
Voila. Happy as Larry. Lights did exactly what they should be doing, and my girlfriend was impressed
Sorry if this was a long winded post, but I thought I should share my own steps to get it working as noobs like me can easily get lost in this post. A request to the OP would be to fix the type-o in the GitHub zip's '' and also remove the unnecessary zip file from the root of the master github zip.
Cheers again for the great work.