Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
temperature font size in weather
something that's always irked me about the vast majority of xbmc skins is the weather section. the icons are brilliant, but the temperature is almost always very small.

i've been tinkering with myweather.xml to increase the font size of the current regular and feels like temps in xtv.

i WAS using rev 1694 (2008-08-18), and increasing the number in "font11" worked, but only until a certain point, and then it wouldnt get any bigger. Now i'm using the version in CHI3f's signature, and that trick doesn't work anymore. is this a matter of repositioning everything to allow for more room? i'm not afraid to do it, but i'd rather not waste time if it's something else altogether.

any help to get the temp much much bigger would be awesome. thanks again, and awesome skin.

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temperature font size in weather2