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Release Catch-Up TV & More
Hi Alyy,

Can you give me more informations about the problem please?

What's the version of your current Catch up TV & more addon?

With which TV show do you encounter the problem?

version 0.1.1.

The programs of the sports section
For TF1 you can test the version of Catch-Up TV & More on the 'dev' branch of GitHub : https://github.com/SylvainCecchetto/plug...ve/dev.zip
Thx !

My worry is with Canal +, I still tried the dev version is still nothing.
Thanks for the informations, I will look at this and I come back.
I changed a lot of things for Canal +, if sometimes you want to test the version on the 'dev' branch ;-)
The forum language is English only please - to all of you above.
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Kodi Blog Posts
Oh yes Darren, sorry. I will edit all my previous posts ;-)
It's my fault, sorry !
Great addon!!! Thanks a lot.

I'm havins issues playing videos. When I click, it loads (blue round thing) for a second then nothing happens.
In the log, I get this:

00:31:00.897 T:5140 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [plugin://plugin.video.catchuptvandmore/?action=channel_entry&video_id=clip_11665440&next=play]

Les Marseillais South America (c'est pour ma copine...)
Kodi Krypton

It's been a while and I'm sorry for that :-(

There is a lot of news concerning Catch-Up TV & More.

We are now at the 0.1.4 version with a lots of improvements thanks to Wwark work!

We also have an official repository now.

All the informations are on the first post that I just edit.
I'm having problems with the replay of some M6 shows. It's like what the poster above describes: it is loading (with the blue round rotating thing) but then nothing happens. In sIn some cases, a failure alert is shown.
I don't know whether it's a problem on my computer or a general one with those shows. Here is the log: https://paste.ee/p/EE1Jd
The problem occurred in the case of 'Chasseurs d'appart', 'Nouvelle Star' and 'La France a un incroyable talent' whereas 'Capital' worked perfectly.
Hello Joanka,

I saw on the logs you use an old version of the plugin (0.1.4) still present on the kodi repository.
There is some improvements and bugfixes on the next releases for M6 replay (the last release is 0.1.8)
To get this version, you can install our repository with this tutorial Add-the-official-repository

Hello Wwark,

thank you so much for having pointed out that to me Smile. Such an elementary mistake Wink. This was one of the first add-ons I installed, so I got it from the official repository and never bothered to check whether there is a newer version. I will never repeat this mistake Wink.

Now not only do I enjoy those shows but I'm also discovering all the amazing additions Smile
Good Smile

Thanks for the interest of this plugin.

If you want additions or you find some problems don't hesitate to report them !

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