(2017-12-04, 06:39)nihilisticEevee Wrote: Some other thoughts/ discussion:
1. Will there still be an option for exclusive/non exclusive port mode?
I removed the button because it wasn't worth the added complexity in the window. We'll just have to build this functionality into the player selection process. I'm open for ideas.
(2017-12-04, 06:39)nihilisticEevee Wrote: Some other thoughts/ discussion:
3. I wonder if we can have controller maps link to a players profile? It would be more complicated to keep track of and code, but might be cool.
You highlight the tradeoffs well, features come at the expense of complexity, but if there's one thing I've learned from this project it's how to handle complexity. I think it's definitely worth it in this case to include this feature.
(2017-12-04, 06:39)nihilisticEevee Wrote: Some other thoughts/ discussion:
4. Would there be a way to have per game mappings?
This requires a game database. I'm waiting on the database refactor, where we're replacing our hacked together solution with ODB:
https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/tree/feature_odb . Until then anything per-game will have to come from an add-on.
(2017-12-04, 06:39)nihilisticEevee Wrote: Some other thoughts/ discussion:
2. Do you think we should have a controller remapper on this screen or would that over complicated and clutter things on this menu?
Yes, I forgot to mention the menu for selecting virtual controllers. Selecting a virtual controller opens the following menu:
- Map
- Choose device (if more than 1 controller is supported by the emu)
- View info
Map lets you map arbitrary input from any controller to the controller profile you selected. I'll modify the controller window to hide the list of controllers on the left.
Choose device lets you change the virtual peripherals connected to the emulator, e.g. swapping a SNES controller for a lightgun or mouse.
View info opens the add-on info page for that controller.