Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Transferring Super Favourites to a Different Skin
I have a bunch of stuff set up with Super Favourites and like how I have all the sections set up. I am using the Fuse (neue) skin at the moment, but would like to start over with my configuration and switch to a new skin. However, since I have all of my SF folders nicely organized and pointing to different sections of the addons I have installed, I would like to bring those into my new setup. I tried the obvious; I installed a fresh copy of Kodi and installed SF, then copied the addon data for SF that I backed up from my previous configuration. My folders came in, but there is no content anywhere I had a link. I thought this may be because I didn't have some of the addons installed yet, so I tried installing a couple, but the folders are still blank.

Am I missing something, or is this not possible?
(2017-12-15, 08:48)xTyD23x Wrote: I have a bunch of stuff set up with Super Favourites and like how I have all the sections set up. I am using the Fuse (neue) skin at the moment, but would like to start over with my configuration and switch to a new skin. However, since I have all of my SF folders nicely organized and pointing to different sections of the addons I have installed, I would like to bring those into my new setup. I tried the obvious; I installed a fresh copy of Kodi and installed SF, then copied the addon data for SF that I backed up from my previous configuration. My folders came in, but there is no content anywhere I had a link. I thought this may be because I didn't have some of the addons installed yet, so I tried installing a couple, but the folders are still blank.

Am I missing something, or is this not possible?
 It just occurred to me that I never tried installing the addons before copying my SF folder. Tried this, and they started populating. For anyone looking for this answer, get all your addons installed, then import the original settings using the utility built into the addon, or copy the folder and paste/overwrite the new one. Thanks!

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Transferring Super Favourites to a Different Skin0