RetroPlayer and Rom Collection Browser
Can you repost debug log? I'll look to see if retroplayer has any problems.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
I'm not sure if I have Log Loader working right, since the last one doesn't work. I have two, maybe. I'll link to both:

Ok, they both seem to work, the first is more recent.
It doesn't look like RetroPlayer is ever launched. This is probably a problem with RCB
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
Sorry, I have been away for a while. But glad to see that you are still around and RetroPlayer has been merged into the main branch Smile

New release of RCB should be compatible with RetroPlayer again.
Awesome! I'll try it out when I fix input in my development branch. It would be nice if RCB could be used without ever having to leave Kodi.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth

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RetroPlayer and Rom Collection Browser2