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Zap2xml for ATSC in OpenELEC
It seems to be pulling in OH34413 when it should be getting OH34413:x
Can you be more specific on subchannel - as cable lineups don't have subchannels.

Also - there are 3 Time Warner cable lineups for Findlay - which one did you select?
  • Time Warner Cable - Cable (Findlay)
  • Time Warner Cable - Digital (Findlay)
  • Time Warner Cable - Digital Rebuild (Findlay)
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
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Sorry, poor explanation on my part.  The sub channels are were they are located  for over the air.  On digital cable, they are individual numbers somewhere in the 900 range.  The lineup being pulled in seems to be only the one for Time Warner Cable - Cable (Findlay) and only goes to channel 99.

The listing for other other 2 lineups are the same as the Cable line up and only go to 99.  I know both should go into much higher and include those channels.  They do on the Zap2it website. 
In your configuration the lineup for all three lineups show OH34413.   On the old Zap2it web site the channel line ups were  OH34413:X and OH34413:L for digital cable and digital cable rebuild.  

i looked in settings.xml it is also  OH34413.  

i looked in Zap2epg.log.  no errors were logged.
Thank you for the clarification. I should be able to sort that out in the morning. They likely changed one of the field names when they went live with the site. I'll post a test file as soon as it's done.
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
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@hagertyoh  Turns out they broke up the extended lineups into two fields in the json...I had to add a new "device" field to handle the lineups that used to have an X or L.

Should be all fixed in the new 0.7.2 release.


Thanks for the heads up!
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
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Welcome to the new year!! Smile

I hadn't noticed any errors in episode recordings, but then I haven't been looking for any. I will keep a watch on that and let you know if I encounter any.

My system has been working just fine. About a week ago I noticed it had missed an update or 2 but as soon as I did a restart of tvh, update was good. I've had some issues wrt my power source for the RPI 3/HDD so I believe that's prob'ly the source of my problems. I'm working on fixing that so it should go away.

As a side note...A few days ago I had a suggestion for a feature I thought could be included in zap2epg, but I didn't write it down, got distracted by something else and forgot about it (more brain cells dying would be my guess Sad If it comes back to me, I'll pass it a long and see if it makes sense to include.
i updated and had the same problem.  I then uninstalled -deleting all user info and reinstalled. same problem.  The settings.xml looked as right as i could tell.
@hagertyoh  I assume you've tried setting up your location again in the addon?
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
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Yes. Tried several times. Could this be 9.0 issue?
Is there a cache I should clear? Or maybe something in tvheadend?
@hagertyoh can you post both the zap2epg and your kodi logs?
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
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0.7.3 fixes the error while configuring a channels list in the addon when not running Tvheadend.​



- P.S.  If you're not running Tvheadend and are updating from 0.7.1 or prior - please re-select your location in the addon.  Or if you're using the settings.xml on a standalone system (not in kodi) you will require a new line to handle digital cable and some satellite lineups.

<setting id="device" default="true">-</setting>

For some digital cable and satellite lineups, the - will need to be replaced by a letter, usually L or X.  Generating the settings.xml file is best done from inside kodi and then transferred to a standalone system.
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee!
here is the link to the kodi log after i tried to change the location and redownload.


the Zap2it log had no entries at this time.
That log looks cutoff - did it crash?
Current Kodi addon projects: zap2epg, sd4tvh and tvh2kodi (tvh config from inside Kodi)
Testing ATSC single and dual tuners on RPi3 and the occasional s905 box
If you like my work you can buy me a coffee!
it did not crash.    i copied after i loaded the new lineup.  do you the the entire log?
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Zap2xml for ATSC in OpenELEC4