flat folder structure for TV Shows?
Admin: was not sure the best place for this, sorry for any inconvenience.  

The wiki clearly states that Kodi does not support flat folder structure for TV Shows.
Has anyone found a way around this?
I was hoping to consolidate some TV shows together in one place but retain as much metadata as possible.

thank you
(2018-02-07, 17:54)mxlance Wrote: Has anyone found a way around this?
So, what is the main reason for sticking to the "One folder for all videos" approach, other than utter laziness? Smile

You could do a Video Library Export, so .nfo files with metadata, including the watched statuses and resumepoints, are created.
After that, movie the tvshows in their own respective folders. Do a Video Library Clean and scrape the TV show collection as they are on their new locations.
Lazy for sure.
So the problem is we have many TV shows and TV documentaries mostly PBS and BBC.
Currently they are all in Series folders with all metadata and all works well.
However we often forget that we have an episode or two.
It is inconvenient to look through many show folders that have only one or two episodes per season.
It would make it faster to scan through a combined list rather than searching through 10 plus Series folders.

thanks for the reply
There is no automatic method to do what you ask.

There is a manual way, but it is quite labour intensive.

1. Export your library to nfo files. See Import-Export in My Signature below
2. Edit the nfo's so that the affected episodes all become an episode in one tv show.
2a. Edit one tvshow.nfo which will become the mixed show, named something like Sundry Episodes or whatever makes sense to you. Also edit the folder name
2b. Move the affected episodes into that newly names Sundry Episodes folder and rename them. Edit all the nfo's so they reflect they belong to the new TV Show.
3. Remove the old existing entries out of the library, then Update Library to scrape new tv show.

As I said it is labour intensive... and be prepared for some frustration.
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thank you for the reply. i may give this a try soon.
Wow it is labour intensive, i am amazed that you actually new of a way to do this.
Yep, expect a few moments when you want to smash your keyboard on the desk Wink But it does work and I have done it.

For example, I have Battlestar Galactica (1979) and Galactica (1980) which are shown as two separate shows on TVDB, but I consider Galactica (1980) as Season 2 of the original show. So I moved Galactica into Battlestar Galactica folder and changed the nfo files so the name is BAttlestar Galactica and Season becomes 2.

So you don't ruin your main library, consider a Portable Install (if using Windows) or create a Profile and test there. Once it works correctly, scrape into your main library.
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great info thank you much
Through favourites, exclude the video scraper.

In the user interface, each show entry tells you how many are watched/unwatched. That makes it hard to lose them.
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@PatK – favourites works, as does the simple favourites addon for this.
However both options show little or no metadata, show/episode description. Wife does not like this. 

@nickr – the issue is what do we want to watch tonight then browsing can take along time.
Just looking for an easier/faster way to browse through 60+ episodes in on folder rather than through 12 folders each with multiple seasons.
That was the idea anyway. 

Thanks for the reply and ideas
Sorry for OT post. @PatK where did you get the background for that 3rd screenshot? I like.

If you're into creating library meta-data, 'recently added' would be a possibility.
(2018-02-08, 14:09)mxlance Wrote: @PatK – favourites works, as does the simple favourites addon for this.
However both options show little or no metadata, show/episode description. Wife does not like this. 

@nickr – the issue is what do we want to watch tonight then browsing can take along time.
Just looking for an easier/faster way to browse through 60+ episodes in on folder rather than through 12 folders each with multiple seasons.
That was the idea anyway. 

Thanks for the reply and ideas
I find that "Recently added" or "In Progress TV Shows" helps with "What to watch tonight?". You might also want to try the "Lazy TV" addon.
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@nickr & @PatK – Thank you for the continued interest in my question. 

I also find "Recently added" and "In Progress TV Shows" are both of help.
they just do not achieve what I want for this specific situation.
I have never used Lazy-TV will look into it. 

So far the “simple favourites” addon works best, it provides the poster and fanart it is only missing the episode descriptions. 
I will play around with this over the weekend.

Thank you again for the help
@mxlance just a suggestion, but if you scan all of your TV shows into Kodi like you would normally, you can then create an episodes playlist showing all unwatched episodes in your library in one screen. Is this what you are looking for? If so, this is probably the simplest route, I think.

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flat folder structure for TV Shows?0