Transifex projects
At the moment there are two Addons/Skins project.
Would someone clarify why they are not merged?
One is the older XBMC Skins project, which was ended on December 13, 2015.
The other is the current Kodi Skins project, which is still active.

Why not merge them?
Why would we want to put in old & deprecated text strings and their translations into any new projects?
And what about the addons project?
Same thing. The XBMC Addons entries were closed on the same date as the Skins entries. It's no use keeping different versions of projects open.
XBMC Main was removed almost immediately after KODI Main.
XBMC Addons/Skins are not used nay more - why are they still there?
I don't know, I am not the Transifex maintainer for Kodi.
Are the old XBMC transifex projects bothering you in any way?
I have not been active for a long time - enough to forget that they are not in use.
Enough to skip the fact that the third party plugins were dropped from the Transifex organization.

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