Win Recent Channels?
Howdy.  I just upgraded to v17.6 - Estuary is a bit too flat and busy for me, but my wife really liked the 'Recent Channels' display on the home screen.

I prefer Mimic - very clean and easy to read across the room.  However, I'm hearing nagging about the whole 'recent channels' thing -- she wants to see a list of last- or recently-watched, and I can't seem to find a widget or addon for this; the sideblade filter is pretty much random.

Thanks in advance!
Win10 64-bit
Kodi 20.1 / Mimic-LR
Figured it out -- just added a new group 'Favorite Channels' and boom, happy wife happy life (never discount the WAF/GAF)
Win10 64-bit
Kodi 20.1 / Mimic-LR
But the question remains Smile Is there a way to add recent channels?
(2018-07-01, 00:27)agiefrh46 Wrote: But the question remains Smile Is there a way to add recent channels?
 Not sure if you've figured this out but for reference to any users,  using these settings for main menu under LiveTV entry (works the same for Radio). They have to be defined as TV Channels (or Radio Channels) in PVR backend


Gives this on the home page, which is a list of recent channels and what they are currently showing

Main Kodi System -Acer Revo 3600 1.6GHz Intel Atom 230  - Sundtek S2 USB, 3x August DVB-T210 - Milhouse nightly LibreELEC - Modified Mimic Skin - Modified Kanzi PVR Voice Control
Other devices - Raspberry Pi 2 milhouse libreelec Leia v18
Laptop - Lenovo Ideapad 510 - Xubuntu Bionic 18.04

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