Hey guys.. coming back to you with excellent news
I was able to successfully convert (very easily) the MySQL database to SQLite format
Using this script (on UBUNTU, with MySQL and SQLite installed
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# Authors: @esperlu, @artemyk, @gkuenning, @dumblob
# FIXME detect empty input file and issue a warning
function printerr( s ){ print s | "cat >&2" }
if( ARGC != 2 ){
printerr( \
"USAGE: mysql2sqlite dump_mysql.sql > dump_sqlite3.sql\n" \
" file name - (dash) is not supported, because - means stdin")
no_END = 1
exit 1
# Find INT_MAX supported by both this AWK (usually an ISO C signed int)
# and SQlite.
# On non-8bit-based architectures, the additional bits are safely ignored.
# 8bit (lower precision should not exist)
# "63" + 0 avoids potential parser misbehavior
if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "63" + 0 }
# 16bit
if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "16383" + 0 }
# 32bit
if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "1073741823" + 0 }
# 64bit (as INTEGER in SQlite3)
if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "4611686018427387904" + 0 }
# # 128bit
# s="170141183460469231731687303715884105728"
# if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "85070591730234615865843651857942052864" + 0 }
# # 256bit
# s="57896044618658097711785492504343953926634992332820282019728792003956564819968"
# if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "28948022309329048855892746252171976963317496166410141009864396001978282409984" + 0 }
# # 512bit
# s="6703903964971298549787012499102923063739682910296196688861780721860882015036773488400937149083451713845015929093243025426876941405973284973216824503042048"
# if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "3351951982485649274893506249551461531869841455148098344430890360930441007518386744200468574541725856922507964546621512713438470702986642486608412251521024" + 0 }
# # 1024bit
# s="89884656743115795386465259539451236680898848947115328636715040578866337902750481566354238661203768010560056939935696678829394884407208311246423715319737062188883946712432742638151109800623047059726541476042502884419075341171231440736956555270413618581675255342293149119973622969239858152417678164812112068608"
# if( (s + 0) "" == s ){ INT_MAX_HALF = "44942328371557897693232629769725618340449424473557664318357520289433168951375240783177119330601884005280028469967848339414697442203604155623211857659868531094441973356216371319075554900311523529863270738021251442209537670585615720368478277635206809290837627671146574559986811484619929076208839082406056034304" + 0 }
# # higher precision probably not needed
print "PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;"
print "PRAGMA journal_mode = MEMORY;"
# historically 3 spaces separate non-argument local variables
function bit_to_int( str_bit, powtwo, i, res, bit, overflow ){
powtwo = 1
overflow = 0
# 011101 = 1*2^0 + 0*2^1 + 1*2^2 ...
for( i = length( str_bit ); i > 0; --i ){
bit = substr( str_bit, i, 1 )
if( overflow || ( bit == 1 && res > INT_MAX_HALF ) ){
printerr( \
NR ": WARN Bit field overflow, number truncated (LSBs saved, MSBs ignored)." )
res = res + bit * powtwo
# no warning here as it might be the last iteration
if( powtwo > INT_MAX_HALF ){ overflow = 1; continue }
powtwo = powtwo * 2
return res
# CREATE TRIGGER statements have funny commenting. Remember we are in trigger.
/^\/\*.*(CREATE.*TRIGGER|create.*trigger)/ {
gsub( /^.*(TRIGGER|trigger)/, "CREATE TRIGGER" )
inTrigger = 1
# The end of CREATE TRIGGER has a stray comment terminator
/(END|end) \*\/;;/ { gsub( /\*\//, "" ); print; inTrigger = 0; next }
# The rest of triggers just get passed through
inTrigger != 0 { print; next }
# CREATE VIEW looks like a TABLE in comments
/^\/\*.*(CREATE.*TABLE|create.*table)/ {
inView = 1
# end of CREATE VIEW
/^(\).*(ENGINE|engine).*\*\// {
inView = 0
# content of CREATE VIEW
inView != 0 { next }
# skip comments
/^\/\*/ { next }
# skip PARTITION statements
/^ *[(]?(PARTITION|partition) +[^ ]+/ { next }
# print all INSERT lines
( /^ *\(/ && /\) *[,;] *$/ ) || /^(INSERT|insert|REPLACE|replace)/ {
prev = ""
# first replace \\ by \_ that mysqldump never generates to deal with
# sequnces like \\n that should be translated into \n, not \<LF>.
# After we convert all escapes we replace \_ by backslashes.
gsub( /\\\\/, "\\_" )
# single quotes are escaped by another single quote
gsub( /\\'/, "''" )
gsub( /\\n/, "\n" )
gsub( /\\r/, "\r" )
gsub( /\\"/, "\"" )
gsub( /\\\032/, "\032" ) # substitute char
gsub( /\\_/, "\\" )
# sqlite3 is limited to 16 significant digits of precision
while( match( $0, /0x[0-9a-fA-F]{17}/ ) ){
hexIssue = 1
sub( /0x[0-9a-fA-F]+/, substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH-1 ), $0 )
if( hexIssue ){
printerr( \
NR ": WARN Hex number trimmed (length longer than 16 chars)." )
hexIssue = 0
# CREATE DATABASE is not supported
/^(CREATE.*DATABASE|create.*database)/ { next }
# print the CREATE line as is and capture the table name
/^(CREATE|create)/ {
if( $0 ~ /IF NOT EXISTS|if not exists/ || $0 ~ /TEMPORARY|temporary/ ){
caseIssue = 1
printerr( \
NR ": WARN Potential case sensitivity issues with table/column naming\n" \
" (see INFO at the end)." )
if( match( $0, /`[^`]+/ ) ){
tableName = substr( $0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-1 )
aInc = 0
prev = ""
firstInTable = 1
# Replace `FULLTEXT KEY` (probably other `XXXXX KEY`)
/^ (FULLTEXT KEY|fulltext key)/ { gsub( /.+(KEY|key)/, " KEY" ) }
# Get rid of field lengths in KEY lines
/ (PRIMARY |primary )?(KEY|key)/ { gsub( /\([0-9]+\)/, "" ) }
aInc == 1 && /PRIMARY KEY|primary key/ { next }
# Replace COLLATE xxx_xxxx_xx statements with COLLATE BINARY
/ (COLLATE|collate) [a-z0-9_]*/ { gsub( /(COLLATE|collate) [a-z0-9_]*/, "COLLATE BINARY" ) }
# Print all fields definition lines except the `KEY` lines.
/^ / && !/^( (KEY|key)|\)/ {
if( match( $0, /[^"`]AUTO_INCREMENT|auto_increment[^"`]/) ){
aInc = 1
gsub( /(UNIQUE KEY|unique key) (`.*`|".*") /, "UNIQUE " )
gsub( /(CHARACTER SET|character set) [^ ]+[ ,]/, "" )
# CREATE TRIGGER [UpdateLastTime]
# ON Package
# UPDATE Package SET LastUpdate = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE ActionId = old.ActionId;
gsub( /ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP|on update current_timestamp/, "" )
gsub( /(COLLATE|collate) [^ ]+ /, "" )
gsub( /(ENUM|enum)[^)]+\)/, "text " )
gsub( /(SET|set)\([^)]+\)/, "text " )
gsub( /UNSIGNED|unsigned/, "" )
gsub( /` [^ ]*(INT|int|BIT|bit)[^ ]*/, "` integer" )
gsub( /" [^ ]*(INT|int|BIT|bit)[^ ]*/, "\" integer" )
ere_bit_field = "[bB]'[10]+'"
if( match($0, ere_bit_field) ){
sub( ere_bit_field, bit_to_int( substr( $0, RSTART +2, RLENGTH -2 -1 ) ) )
# field comments are not supported
gsub( / (COMMENT|comment).+$/, "" )
# Get commas off end of line
gsub( /,.?$/, "" )
if( prev ){
if( firstInTable ){
print prev
firstInTable = 0
else {
print "," prev
else {
# FIXME check if this is correct in all cases
if( match( $1,
/(CONSTRAINT|constraint) \".*\" (FOREIGN KEY|foreign key)/ ) ){
print ","
prev = $1
/ ENGINE| engine/ {
if( prev ){
if( firstInTable ){
print prev
firstInTable = 0
else {
print "," prev
print ");"
# `KEY` lines are extracted from the `CREATE` block and stored in array for later print
# in a separate `CREATE KEY` command. The index name is prefixed by the table name to
# avoid a sqlite error for duplicate index name.
/^( (KEY|key)|\)/ {
if( prev ){
if( firstInTable ){
print prev
firstInTable = 0
else {
print "," prev
prev = ""
if( $0 == ");" ){
else {
if( match( $0, /`[^`]+/ ) ){
indexName = substr( $0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-1 )
if( match( $0, /\([^()]+/ ) ){
indexKey = substr( $0, RSTART+1, RLENGTH-1 )
# idx_ prefix to avoid name clashes (they really happen!)
key[tableName] = key[tableName] "CREATE INDEX \"idx_" \
tableName "_" indexName "\" ON \"" tableName "\" (" indexKey ");\n"
if( no_END ){ exit 1}
# print all KEY creation lines.
for( table in key ){ printf key[table] }
if( caseIssue ){
printerr( \
"INFO Pure sqlite identifiers are case insensitive (even if quoted\n" \
" or if ASCII) and doesnt cross-check TABLE and TEMPORARY TABLE\n" \
" identifiers. Thus expect errors like \"table T has no column named F\".")
I tell you this: I downloaded it off the internet, I'm just republishing it, it worked very well for me (and very fast)
After converting the database, I opened it on SQLiteStudio (in Windows, my main OS), and created the views
SELECT episode.*, files.strFileName AS strFileName, path.strPath AS strPath, files.playCount AS playCount, files.lastPlayed AS lastPlayed, files.dateAdded AS dateAdded, tvshow.c00 AS strTitle, tvshow.c08 AS genre, tvshow.c14 AS studio, tvshow.c05 AS premiered, tvshow.c13 AS mpaa, bookmark.timeInSeconds AS resumeTimeInSeconds, bookmark.totalTimeInSeconds AS totalTimeInSeconds, bookmark.playerState AS playerState, rating.rating AS rating, rating.votes AS votes, rating.rating_type AS rating_type, uniqueid.value AS uniqueid_value, uniqueid.type AS uniqueid_type FROM episode JOIN files ON files.idFile=episode.idFile JOIN tvshow ON tvshow.idShow=episode.idShow JOIN seasons ON seasons.idSeason=episode.idSeason JOIN path ON files.idPath=path.idPath LEFT JOIN bookmark ON bookmark.idFile=episode.idFile AND bookmark.type=1 LEFT JOIN rating ON rating.rating_id=episode.c03 LEFT JOIN uniqueid ON uniqueid.uniqueid_id=episode.c20
SELECT movie.*, sets.strSet AS strSet, sets.strOverview AS strSetOverview, files.strFileName AS strFileName, path.strPath AS strPath, files.playCount AS playCount, files.lastPlayed AS lastPlayed, files.dateAdded AS dateAdded, bookmark.timeInSeconds AS resumeTimeInSeconds, bookmark.totalTimeInSeconds AS totalTimeInSeconds, bookmark.playerState AS playerState, rating.rating AS rating, rating.votes AS votes, rating.rating_type AS rating_type, uniqueid.value AS uniqueid_value, uniqueid.type AS uniqueid_type FROM movie LEFT JOIN sets ON sets.idSet = movie.idSet JOIN files ON files.idFile=movie.idFile JOIN path ON path.idPath=files.idPath LEFT JOIN bookmark ON bookmark.idFile=movie.idFile AND bookmark.type=1 LEFT JOIN rating ON rating.rating_id=movie.c05 LEFT JOIN uniqueid ON uniqueid.uniqueid_id=movie.c09
SELECT musicvideo.*, files.strFileName as strFileName, path.strPath as strPath, files.playCount as playCount, files.lastPlayed as lastPlayed, files.dateAdded as dateAdded, bookmark.timeInSeconds AS resumeTimeInSeconds, bookmark.totalTimeInSeconds AS totalTimeInSeconds, bookmark.playerState AS playerState FROM musicvideo JOIN files ON files.idFile=musicvideo.idFile JOIN path ON path.idPath=files.idPath LEFT JOIN bookmark ON bookmark.idFile=musicvideo.idFile AND bookmark.type=1
SELECT seasons.*, tvshow_view.strPath AS strPath, tvshow_view.c00 AS showTitle, tvshow_view.c01 AS plot, tvshow_view.c05 AS premiered, tvshow_view.c08 AS genre, tvshow_view.c14 AS studio, tvshow_view.c13 AS mpaa, count(DISTINCT episode.idEpisode) AS episodes, count(files.playCount) AS playCount, min(episode.c05) AS aired FROM seasons JOIN tvshow_view ON tvshow_view.idShow = seasons.idShow JOIN episode ON episode.idShow = seasons.idShow AND episode.c12 = seasons.season JOIN files ON files.idFile = episode.idFile GROUP BY seasons.idSeason
SELECT seasons.*, tvshow_view.strPath AS strPath, tvshow_view.c00 AS showTitle, tvshow_view.c01 AS plot, tvshow_view.c05 AS premiered, tvshow_view.c08 AS genre, tvshow_view.c14 AS studio, tvshow_view.c13 AS mpaa, count(DISTINCT episode.idEpisode) AS episodes, count(files.playCount) AS playCount, min(episode.c05) AS aired FROM seasons JOIN tvshow_view ON tvshow_view.idShow = seasons.idShow JOIN episode ON episode.idShow = seasons.idShow AND episode.c12 = seasons.season JOIN files ON files.idFile = episode.idFile GROUP BY seasons.idSeason
SELECT tvshow.idShow AS idShow, MAX(files.lastPlayed) AS lastPlayed, NULLIF(COUNT(episode.c12), 0) AS totalCount, COUNT(files.playCount) AS watchedcount, NULLIF(COUNT(DISTINCT(episode.c12)), 0) AS totalSeasons, MAX(files.dateAdded) as dateAdded FROM tvshow LEFT JOIN episode ON episode.idShow=tvshow.idShow LEFT JOIN files ON files.idFile=episode.idFile GROUP BY tvshow.idShow
After doing all this (which is fairly fast), just delete the Textures13.db file and the Thumbnails folder
Modify the advancedsettings file accordingly
...and DONE
NOTE TO MOD: Please excuse me if this post is too long. It was for me a great solution, and its a lot faster than using NFO exporting (and less cumbersome), if you feel you need to modify my post in any way, you're free to do so