Matrix screen saver in 1080i mode
i found that matrix screen saver doesnt fill the entire screen in 1080i mode -- it only filled about 3/4 of the total space.  i did some investigation and found it was related to this code in cguiwindowscreensaver::renderframe()

icolmax = int (g_graphicscontext.getwidth() / 16);
irowmax = int (g_graphicscontext.getheight() / 16);
if (icolmax > 80) icolmax = 80;
if (irowmax > 60) irowmax = 60;

so, i proceeded to comment out the lines that cap the grid and rebuild.

when i tested the screensaver, the characters scrolling dow the right of my screen were not "matrix" characters.  they were mostly squares, and a few dashes.  

any help would be appreciated.
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check the init function: initmatrix() just a page up :p

should be using icolmax etc. (obviously the initialization of these vars will be needed before initmatrix() is called).

another "fix" is to leave it at 80x60 and use a constant sized texture (say 80*16x60*16 or whatever) and scale it up when rendering.

i'm not sure which would look better - more characters, or bigger characters - you tell me (i don't have the pleasure of hdtv here)

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i see it, and a bunch  of other things i need to change as well.

i have no idea how to scale the texture so i'll make the grid big enough for hdtv.

here's what i'm going to do... i'll change the grid to 120 x 67 (which would be the grid size in 1080i) and move the icolmax and irowmax into the class as member values so that they are accessible to both the render and init functions.

** edit **

it works... submitted patch 1019867 on sf.
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Matrix screen saver in 1080i mode0