First you are new to Kodi. Kodi itself doesn't provide any kind of content itself. Some content is available through video add-ons from our repository.
If you want to watch normal movies via Kodi, you have to purchase them, rip them, store them on the same machine you are using Kodi on (or a network share or whatever) and then use Kodi to play the specific files.
Kodi legally doesn't provide copyright protected content via video add-ons. There are a few, but non of them are supported in here. If that is your question, please re-read the forum rules you accepted lately.
on the windows 8 side:
- share the folder/drive which contains the movies
- set a username and password for that share (remember that, you will need that for Kodi)
Use the "Add network location" and "SMB" option after you selected "Browse". Then specify the IP from the host, enter the specific credentials (username, password, shared folder etc...) and then let Kodi scrape.
If you only want to use the file view, and don't want to use the fancy library option Kodi provides, then navigate to "video"->"files"->"add videos"->"browse"->"add network location"->"Browse"-> mentioned above. But there's no need to "set content" for that kind of view. You can simply browse through the folders and use Kodi as a video player in file view.