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Mod Titan M O D ( last Updated 19-12-2019)
Yeah, i understand what you've done. what I understand is that visible decides the visibility of the control based on the condition given. Now, you've manually added a condition and then called the specific variables (year, genre, etc.) in the label tag. Which of course works, BUT
the variables are created so that they can decide which value the label get based upon the condtion that is met. Now, I did not test, but I can see your code fails if a condition is not met (or worse, null).
for ex., what if it does not contain a year and is not a tvshow, is not showing this control a wanted behavior? or if I it's a movie the first INFO fails. That's why i think variable is needed because making this minute changes will come back later and bite in the ass.

EDIT: BTW, if you wish, post me some sort of contact info (mail?) I can link you to a private cloud where we can chat, share files and edit them. (can't pm or send u an email due to user novelty)
I'm running into an issue with the small video display..  where on my laptop, when I'm using Simple PVR, when I start to watch a live program and click the back button to bring back up the pvr epg, the video continues to play in the background and there is a small window in the lower right corner..   but on my android device, when I click the back button, the whole screen goes black except for the small preview window..   or, if I turn off the media codec, then the back button takes you back to the guide, but the small preview window doesn't display.
(2018-06-21, 22:40)pmcnamara Wrote: I'm running into an issue with the small video display..  where on my laptop, when I'm using Simple PVR, when I start to watch a live program and click the back button to bring back up the pvr epg, the video continues to play in the background and there is a small window in the lower right corner..   but on my android device, when I click the back button, the whole screen goes black except for the small preview window..   or, if I turn off the media codec, then the back button takes you back to the guide, but the small preview window doesn't display.
Did you check skinsettings -> playback & osd -> show currently playing  info / background settings?
@mardukL  Even after u pm'd me i can't access them  Angry
anyways, i made some changes to netflix2, incl. added spotlight widget with buttons play/info. info is not working right now, it's unclear what's going on with it...
I have to go now, so no time for screenshots, I wanted to share with you the files but no platform and don't wanna upload unfinished work here. I understand u started working on the trailer things in netflix2, this paired with my mods could be awsome.
(2018-06-22, 18:26)cartman.dos Wrote: @mardukL  Even after u pm'd me i can't access them  Angry
anyways, i made some changes to netflix2, incl. added spotlight widget with buttons play/info. info is not working right now, it's unclear what's going on with it...
I have to go now, so no time for screenshots, I wanted to share with you the files but no platform and don't wanna upload unfinished work here. I understand u started working on the trailer things in netflix2, this paired with my mods could be awsome.
sounds great, idk how many posts yoou need.
youre fully right terms the vars, i also change the stars rating to an include and add video window.

here are changes , so far(just krypton, on leia i use var for duration in widget label), next time on monday.
contact me under [email protected].

Need go too. haha...

Regarding trailer in homescreen(netflix2), I tried but with no success so far to load the video control on a texture, so it will have a fading effect with the (black) background.
Other option which does work is just making it all screen width & making the plot text not visible (animation needed?)

Movie view, details (YEAR - RATING - DURATION)

TRAILER OPTION if can't add right corner texture, notice plot dissapears and no problem to make the rating&detail go away too, need to check maybe it's possible to make the widgets below to resize and adjust to the video window...

ADDED SPOTLIGHT WIDGET - now this is a pain in the ass to decipher how the spotlight widget works in netflix2, currently the info doesn't work (funny thing, it doesn't work in netflix1 either with the original code), I think the best way would be to create a HIDDEN first row single(?) widget, then the functionality should work like it is for all widgets...

following changes are due to changes in details variable, specifically to episodes/tvshows:
EPISODE details

TV SHOW with more than one season (details gets # seasons)

TVSHOW with 1 or less seasons (details gets # episodes)

The aesthetic changes are pretty easy, but making the trailer work (and look good), and the spotlight func. is definitely tougher than I expected...
I tend to prefer the clean netflix look, I'm thinking after hopefully succeeding in making all the changes to homescreen, creating a window (changing info dialog) to netflix
way of doing things:

then navigating through will be smooth.

Smaller ambitions are editing to finish plot&details, adding genres below plot, maybe studio\producer to movies, adding some sort of "WATCH SEASON\EPISODE X NOW" label depending on the unwatched status... making the all spotlight bigger (more height) and widget a lil' smaller, adding image indicators on tvshow widgets with studio image, removing borders from unfocused row widgets, adding a widget before the first one in the row the scales to left screen border with some opacity so with circular navigation...
In my skin tmdb not show any valuation.
I have to do anything for active it?
I only see a empty logo.
Kodi 18 on Android tv
Hi, good to see you did some great efforts.

1.Movie view, details (YEAR - RATING - DURATION) in view523.xml

- looks preety good, i see you want it make exactly like netflix
( idk if there is an infringe issue to copyright if its to similiar or exactly the same (wich is possible)
- maybe you like to change the • to a | than :;-)
- i prefer the ratings trough the footer, so we should add a condition to the var , and make a skintogglesetting
( !skinhassetting***, skinhassetting***)

2. Trailer
- widgets, can be adjustet with an conditional ("Player.HasVideo" ) animation , but where should the go?
(But i must say i like the windowed one, and since we are in home screen, we just need click back to watch in fs)
,what about adding additional info of focused item right beside the landscape Widget if trailer window should stay that way like in your pic

- do mean right corner texture the videowindow? , its added in the gdrive file(link above, add3d wrong files yesterday,updated today the correct ones)


- i dont know how it should work since i never used it, should there be other additional infos ( i just remember the spotlight widget in arctic z from ashes, and they just show some random movies inside)
- what should spotlight do other than default? ( just can look via phone on the code till monday and its horrible to read even if "quick edit" app is best by now)
- are the button (play, info) added by you? , looks interesting but arent we acces play via click and info via context or am i wrong

4. Episode,
What is on my to list is change eg uppercase S1E4 to lowecase s1e2

Beside that, im usure if the full should stay like in your pic, or put the nr & title below the clearart/ above the star rating, so its possible to use flags (country, writer as example instead of epis. Nr and title)

(Will show pic on monday , to show how it looks)

5. TV SHOW with more than one season , or just one
- i really like to say perfect, but i would prefer independet of content ,it should be
" ** Seasons (** Episodes)


By looking some pics of the netflix ui today i tend to change the netflix 1 include too.

Saved some pics and send on monday.

6. Thats surely possible,

I like the clean look, but also like how i set it up actually, but its surely possible by extending the code and add an skinsetting to choose from 2 different videoinfodialogs.

But i also play with the idea of changig how tv show hub, movie hub works, actually they just load the netflix2 window, with default widget layout oft home setting.
So i think there is some more potential in it.

I see you fixed to the netflix ui, what i like is mod this skin by keeping a bit of its own style/flair and it offers much customization.

If you didnt care about color-, homescreen- , theme-, -customizations, didnt use different viewtypes, we are better going on another skin project.the advantage of that is that its going to be cleaner ,smaller and get better a bit performance.

So i like to work on more viewtypes,bugfixes,implement manfeeds library theme playback(non addon tv tunes replacement),make contry flags for lib and osd and some things more...
(2018-06-23, 18:25)wsx1 Wrote: In my skin tmdb not show any valuation.
I have to do anything for active it?
I only see a empty logo.
Kodi 18 on Android tv

It takes some time for skinhelper (wich is used for ratings in library) to show up , its refreshing its cache every 30 days.
(2018-06-24, 02:23)mardukL Wrote: 1.Movie view, details (YEAR - RATING - DURATION) in view523.xml
That's HomeNetflix (did not change view523 at all), but I can make a separate variable so that user can choose details outlook, on that all details topic - 
The way it is set right now is that plot and details are all retrieved by PlotAlt var. This is not modular enough I think and so I really should change that variable to be details & plot and then I can make the details var in seperate (which I already did), and then another detail layout which like the original/custom, so when the PlotAlt is called it will return details based on user's choice/viewtype...

- maybe you like to change the • to a | than :;-)
Yeah, probably just blank space if doing it netflix style, Got some ideas there, inc. an image of rating/video quality, etc. but not a priority.

- i prefer the ratings trough the footer, so we should add a condition to the var , and make a skintogglesetting
( !skinhassetting***, skinhassetting***)
Yeah, footer is something need to be dealt with on homescreen cause of resizing not compatible with a footer as of right now.
Best easy option would be to choose where stars are at, if they're like in my screenshot (and your netflix viewtype), then won't be in footer and then u'll have the options for other ratings instead (tvdb, rotten, etc...)
About resizing the homescreen - is something I really want to change, make the spotlight area bigger and netflix widgets lanscape smaller (I know i can use big/small thumbs option but this in not what i seek).

2. Trailer
- widgets, can be adjustet with an conditional ("Player.HasVideo" ) animation , but where should the go?
(But i must say i like the windowed one, and since we are in home screen, we just need click back to watch in fs)
,what about adding additional info of focused item right beside the landscape Widget if trailer window should stay that way like in your pic

- do mean right corner texture the videowindow? , its added in the gdrive file(link above, add3d wrong files yesterday,updated today the correct ones)
I've taken a look at what u've done just now, looks great, I think we speaking of different things though. You meant that u added an animation for the right corner texture image to move when playing trailer? I meant the the video window itself would load on the right corner texture and thus won't have this ugly borders, meaning - a texture on top of the video window. But not even sure if it's possible. So a workaround will be fullscreen, and btw, for me if I go back from a video it doesn't show on homescreen, just playing in the background (that is not a good behavior btw either - i think that when BACK is pressed when osd is not one it should stop playing and go back to the last windows that was active). Now i'm thinking if possible to change the window height (animated) of the spotlight&widgets rows when playing full-screen, so from two rows u'll see only one when playing thus making full screen work ok and not have widgets on half of the screen...


- i dont know how it should work since i never used it, should there be other additional infos ( i just remember the spotlight widget in arctic z from ashes, and they just show some random movies inside)
- what should spotlight do other than default? ( just can look via phone on the code till monday and its horrible to read even if "quick edit" app is best by now)
- are the button (play, info) added by you? , looks interesting but arent we acces play via click and info via context or am i wrong

The idea is that I want to create a spotlight single widget that defaults when homescreen is loading, and so it SPOTLIGHTS a certain movie\tvshow\(new episode?), and automatically starts playing it's trailer\teaser. this is the actual original use of the spotlight in netflix, that they use to push new/recommended content.
A movie will load the clearlogo and start playing in home, with buttons for play and more info (only showing for spotlight widget). So it's some sort of suggestion push to the user and also is slick way of an opener screen. I added the buttons but there's some problem with the container property there that i just can't figure out..that makes show info think that it's on Home menu and thus not work (play works though). I'm trying to trace the root from where the widget and spotlight are controlled but no success, I'm not sure how much is in xml and how much (if any) is from the scripts themselves.

4. Episode,
What is on my to list is change eg uppercase S1E4 to lowecase s1e2
That's easy, on homewidgets just removing [UPPERCASE]. i Actually preffered leaving it this way since it's the most important info for ep. i thought.
Beside that, im usure if the full should stay like in your pic, or put the nr & title below the clearart/ above the star rating, so its possible to use flags (country, writer as example instead of epis. Nr and title)
Again, I think some modulation (as i said seperating the var parts and creating additional custom details vars) would be then easy to implement in everyway possible once the design is decided.

5. TV SHOW with more than one season , or just one
- i really like to say perfect, but i would prefer independet of content ,it should be
" ** Seasons (** Episodes)
A thing to consider when doing so is the cases when there is one season then u'll get "1 Seasons" , same with episodes.

6. Thats surely possible,
@irafihggnaba  can you please share your mod? that's exactly what I was looking for. And can build on top instead of having to do it all from scratch.

But i also play with the idea of changig how tv show hub, movie hub works, actually they just load the netflix2 window, with default widget layout oft home setting.
So i think there is some more potential in it.
Please enlighten me on what the hubs actually do, did not get what their purpose is.

I see you fixed to the netflix ui, what i like is mod this skin by keeping a bit of its own style/flair and it offers much customization.
If you didnt care about color-, homescreen- , theme-, -customizations, didnt use different viewtypes, we are better going on another skin project.the advantage of that is that its going to be cleaner ,smaller and get better a bit performance.
OK, so TL;DR - yes, I love the netflix UI.
I'm a new member on the forums, but i've known and used kodi (back then, xbmc) for a VERY longgg time, so, at first I loved it and wanted it have every little info and addon and ability there could be. Over the time, I've used and tried almost every streaming service (netflix, hulu, amazon, hbo, ...) and media manager (kodi, plex, emby, ...) there is on the market and learnt the strength and weakness of each. From a user prespective netflix is def a game changer, not speaking of content here.

1. UI - one of the things I noticed is how good netflix ui is in terms of making the media accessible to the user in terms of - easy to use and that you don't spend much time having to "choose" what media you want, it pushes you to start watch new things (that are new/recommended). I can have so much more content on kodi but then when i open the netflix it just makes the media more appealing and not stagnating on which to choose, etc.
Also, i've learned that having too much information is not needed, for example, on netflix you don't even have ratings (just % match), then if a movie for ex. would have low ratings on kodi it would make u less wanting to watch it, but on netflix, you may watch it without knowing what others think of it, and like it (happened many times). Time and weather i think holds u out from fully be "in the moment" feel that u get in netflix, disconnecting from the outer world, that makes you keep on binging (this is the core purpose the ui is built for in netflix, keep u watching, with the nextup, and skip recaps, you can just lie down and keep drooling in front of the screen, no action needed).
About the ease-of-use, I noticed that for my not-tech-oriented girlfriend it's much easier to use netflix and can struggle with kodi even after all is set up and in kiosk mode.
So yeah, main changes would be to create the dialoginfo, then viewtype for tvshows (all episodes window), and osd while playing. other than that is aesthetics, auto-trailer/teaser/something playing on screen.

2. Smooth ride - unfortunately, kodi falls short here, and it's not so-much a skinning issue and more a core behavior. Note that netflix works smoothly and flawlessly and is snappy and fast. Kodi on the other hand could be very slow at times and even when playing from my network share (nfs) it sometimes not as stable as netflix(that is ONLINE) or plex. that's have something to do with it being a media manager and not a frontend and backend kind of app, sometimes it's so bad that i have to close kodi and open the plex to watch instead. But while plex is closed-source and thus skinning is not an option, kodi is open to change and so to solve this, I think that after making all the changes it will be best to delete all else and so it won't have to load so much to memory (space memory) and less var and stuff to look at (running time performance). Biggest issue i'm dealing with currently with kodi AND IT HAPPENS EVERYTIME, is that a clearlogo or info just gets stuck in there and then shows up on other movies, tvshows. Also kodi is very laggy on tv android platforms (maybe not on shield, didn't test that platform) and less artwork would definately improve on that, and less cache storing (?).

3. smart algorithms - this is the biggest thing that marcel achieved in my opinion, to create a layout (homescreen) that gathers all media types and treats them as one.
and of course the smart widgets (reccomendations, similliar media). This is a GREAT step toward making a smarter UI, and would be the hardest thing to achieve. I would gladly take a look at the scripts and better them if i can, but this would be the last thing on the list. since it's a all other beast to deal with. first thing would be to make a suggestion algorithm for the spotlight widget that i want to add - that will be based on reccommendation and/or new release and/or popular.
Other than that is creating a how much a X media matches to your liking (##% match), which would be based upon watching history and a custom list ("my list") - and then using the favourite/custom list would be actually useful added with a like/unlike (my rating) button - that so far are really not so useful.That for me would be the best part as it is purely coding pseudo-"machine learining" algorithms.

So i like to work on more viewtypes,bugfixes,implement manfeeds library theme playback(non addon tv tunes replacement),make contry flags for lib and osd and some things more...
These are all great ideas and I also got many more on top of what I already said here, we need some to open a github so that we could do it in an organized fashion.TV tunes sounds easy to implement, it's just playing an audio file, not an addon that i'm excited about but let me know if u're working on it, I would love to take a glance at it.
Quote:texture on top of the video window
Did you mean a frame, its actually over a panel.
Its posible, but problem could be diff resolutions of the trailers itself, i think 12 monkeys is 4:3 , and 12.000 bc is 16:9.

The window is 16:9 , i think a frame over the window could be ugly for 4:3
and i dont get what is meant with ugly corners.%),sorry
Quote:Video didnt play wimdowed
Strange, last time i test it did, i look again at it.
And sure, its easy to add a animation when video is playing.
Did you need some help/explanation to anims?
Quote:Please enlighten me on what the hubs actually do, did not get what their purpose is.
Its loading a default tvshow or movie hub (movie lib with submenu entryss) by using netflix 2 view layout, where you are again able to set widgets.

So in my eyes , if you already use netflix home 2 its useless.
(Test youself, just create a main menu entry tv-show hub, or movie hub)

I try to create a custom style for that instead.
Sounds interesting, so i assume we "just" need to find the controlgroup id
and specific param id's.

Example for next aired, i remember i searched for that in case of add a "widget" inside tv show hub.
<!-- Next Episode = Skinhelper = id 32002 -->
Quote:Once the design is decided
Yeah, i just think lowecase letters is easier to read instead of uppercase , infos stay the same :-)

I think that there is best solution atm to share ,some label depending codes/var/groups etc and you should focus netflix 2 style, when i focus netflix1 or a new 3rd style or custom hub.
So everyone got free hand and test some things out and helo each other out.
I already have an account and want learn more about, but my aknowledgement is near zero.
I quit after try create a xml (saved at notebook) ,for a repo.
So, if you are more familiar with that, great ,but i need to learn a lot.
Quote:Tvtunes replacement
Im get tv tunes from somewhere working, but dont know if it was/secure and maintained source, and deinstalled it.
It's supported addon from titan by default, but i like to remove that completely and use this
by manfeed instead
I mean this -

With overlay that is integrating the video window border with the screen. this result is a nice adjustment for now, if I could find a better png overlay it would be even better.
Now, I don't exactly understand how the sizing of the video window and image are working (size & scaling) would  be great if you know. cause for this to work:
1. Image and video window need to be the exact size and position to overlap.
2. video needs to be a fixed size - do you know if that is possible? because of the diff in aspect ratio...

If these 2 can be solved then perfect, I would even like a bigger video window than that but having trouble with doing so...

add "Custom_1199_Scanlines.xml" to 1080i dir:

add png to 'media' dir in skin dir.

this is closer to what i've imagined, with adding a visiblity condition for details to dissapear when playing video. Just to clarify, the video is actually playing, it's not a fanart.
Only need to tweak to perfection and deal with scaling/aspect ratio of the video.

About the spotlight widget, I'm sure it's not supposed to be that hard, but it made bleed with no reward thus far.

I can lookup for better and different diffuse png and put in in cloud.

- video will scale to the predefined w/h size in the group by keeping aspect ratio if youtube trailer lookup
(i think, there is always in 16:9 "preset", thats why 4:3 gets black borders left/right ,

- Difference could be if you prefer local trailers, wich can have different ratios.
Idk if they will streched to fit the "preview" window

I doubt that Fixed/conditional size dependig to (preupload)ratio is possible,

Sorry, cant descripe it better.

Your visible condition in pastebin code
should work without
!video is fullscreen
, as long there is a videowindow set in the correct place window(homescreen, or other)

Wiki info:
- so call the trailer by
>PlayMedia($INFO[ListItem.Trailer],1)</<!-- or Playmedia($INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Trailer),1]) booth get some whre other failed to find some -->

- This can be a playlist, music, or video file, directory, plugin or a url. The optional parameter ",isdir" can be used for playing a directory. ",1" will start a video in a preview window, instead of fullscreen. If media is a playlist, you can use playoffset=xx where xx is the position to start playback from.



Other media is supposed to load the videofullscreen.xml for playback.
( except, used advancesettings.xml to force everything play windowed,

Im sorry for terrible term and spelling

Is that custum***xml. Just to show up diffuse png over the preview window? its interesting and impressing to me, but unsure if really needed.

dit you try to switch the image group with the window group in edited homenetflix.xml
to get the image overlay the videow. and is not as background?


<!-- videowindow -->
                <control type="group">
                        <control type="videowindow">
                            <control type="image">
                            <texture colordiffuse="red" border="20">diffuse/Black-Border-Frame-PNG-Photo.png</texture> <!-- put you texture path here :-P -->

so, i came back destroyd from nigth shift and need to sleep a few h....
Good work man.cant await to test later

can you send pm now ?  if not can you wrote me via mail , so i can give acces to cload upload, or can you sen PRs to the git ??

it gets now a bit terrible here, since its just more chat, than thread related

i start by fixing marcels and my edited conditions to the widget vars.
labels are up to us, but conditins should look this.

also i edited you nice diffuse pic, so that can be use skincustomsolours.(need ab it more tweaks or, another diffuse (sharp edges, will not be visible , cause we set colordiffuse to $VAR[Netflix2_PanelColor])
just changed color for testing, pic by trailer playback, without use of Custom_1199_Scanlines.xml

<variable name="HomeMenuWidgetDetails"> <!-- NEW -->
    <!-- normal widgets -->
    <!-- based on my experiance, we didnt get issues to call the conditions this way,  -
        they load in order 1st prioriry is first row, than 2nd, --....
        so 1st line here is episode, season level, (season title - episode title )thats why 2nd line doesnt overwrite 1st (year tag isnt empty on season title - episode title), i only wonder why VAR is working cause it dowsnt has window property conditions
        , QUESTION : $VAR[ListItemDuration,, • ] is working, but i dont set window propertys in the VAR, so is the condition of a Property really needed ??, its working but i like to know why ,, instead $INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Duration),, min. • ]
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(ListItem.TvShowTitle)) + String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Artist))">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Premiered),, • ]$VAR[ListItemDuration,, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Genre)]</value>                         <!-- removed full show and title, must set up in (window id) wich make use of it , e.g. include=netflixhome2  -->
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Year)) + String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Artist))">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Year),, • ]$VAR[ListItemDuration,, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Genre)]</value>                                    <!-- issue, year is loaded before artist is loaded, also - solved , by add condition (empty)-->
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Artist)) + !String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Album))">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Artist),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Album)]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Duration), • , min]</value>    <!-- solved issue, musicvideos and songs, get just ** min tags, var is ignored, so use $INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Duration),, min] (if a song is more than 60 min, its not that nice)     - solved -->
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(ListItem.StartDateTime))">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Label),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.StartDateTime),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Duration),, min. • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Genre)]</value>
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Property(DateTime))) + !String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Label2))">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Label2),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Property(DateTime)),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Duration),, min. • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Genre)]</value>
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(ListItem.StartTime))">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Label),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.StartTime),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Duration),, min. • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(ListItem.Genre)]</value>
        <!-- skinhelper fallback -->
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.TvShowTitle))">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.TvShowTitle),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Year),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Premiered),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Duration),, min. • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Genre)]</value>
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Year)) + String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Artist))">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Year),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Duration),, min. • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Genre)]</value>
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Artist)) + !String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Album))">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Artist),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Album),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Duration)]</value>
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.StartDateTime))">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Label),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.StartDateTime),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Duration),, min. • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Genre)]</value>
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Property(DateTime))) + !String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Label2))">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Label2),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Property(DateTime)),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Duration),, min. • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Genre)]</value>
        <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.StartTime))">$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Label),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.StartTime),, • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Duration),, min. • ]$INFO[Window(Home).Property(SkinHelper.ListItem.Genre)]</value>
@cartman.dos , send e-mail via forum, if not working, check your privacy settings ;-)


tried to get delay for trailer action when auto play trailer on with zero sucess.

System.IdleTime(5) as visible tag, as condition, as "in an over ordered group as visible tag and as condition", NOTHING.
How have rounded square title and percentage of episodes like this pictures?
I like it.
Your logo colored for 20th century fox is very good how can have it? (Mine is black and white)
For rating I have only Tmdb and Imdb but you have other 2 provider. How can have it?
Its possible that some limits are because language (Italian)?
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