Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Broken Random Crashes with Arctic Zephyr
Hi! I am experiencing random crashes with Arctic Zephyr, which don't happen with Estuary. Mostly when browsing through my movies / tv shows or when pressing the stop key.

I had a thread going in the Raspberry Pi forum but as the problem does not happen with Estuary, I was pointed to this forum.

Please help.

Here's the original thread, it contains debug logs and crash logs of three crashes this far:

I really like Arctic Zephyr, it looks and works great most of the time, but I'd also like to find a way of not having these random crashes.
I would be interested in the results of removing MySQL and just using a local database. Does it still crash?
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Thanks, for that to try, I'd have to rebuild my library (without MySQL). Last time I lost my library due to a miss-configuration, I spent over a month recreating it, all of my x-mas holiday was gone, not a very positive experience. Mostly because of Kodi wrongly detecting some things and the special tags I am using not being stored (of course), I don't have NFO files for everything yet. Also, the export and import don't work right for my installation, probably some special characters lurking somewhere in the database where they belong.

Currently, everything seems to work fine. If you or anyone else has ideas on what I can try besides recreating the library, please tell.


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