ffmpeg problem in W10 1803 while sql updates
Hallo, since i am on W10 1803 i have lot of ffmpeg in my taskmanager running and the updates are very slow.

Kodi runs on w10 and the mysql server on Ubuntu.

Anyone with an hint what its wrong here ?
Kodi doesn't ship and start FFmpeg executable, so something else starts those.
Strange, as it starts at the moment when i hit the mysql db update inside kodi Sad

Dosnt it need it to read the media infos ?
Kodi doesn't use a FFmpeg executable it only uses the libs.
I renamed the ffmpeg.exe on my system and now the speed iss fast again but still dont get it Sad The exe is 3 years on my pc so why now it slows it down ?
No idea as it's nothing to do with us.

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ffmpeg problem in W10 1803 while sql updates0