Tricky situations with naming double episodes?
Firstly, let me just say that I've already read this wiki page: but it doesn't help my situation.

Let's just make up stuff and say:
Season name: Red
Episode 1 name: Orange
Episode 2 name: Blue
Episode 3 name: Yellow
Episode 4 name: Green (part 1)
Episode 5 name: Green (part 2)

If episode 1 is a normal single video file then my name for it would be `Red S01E01 - Orange.avi` note that there are spaces either side of the hyphen

Say episode 2 and 3 are a single video file. The wiki page doesn't exactly say how format this given my preference of spacing around the hyphen so I've gone with this: `Red S01E02 - Blue - S01E03 - Yellow.avi`

Say episode 4 and 5 are a single video file but they are part 1 and 2 of the same episode and share the same file name then I've gone with `Red S01E04 - S01E05 - Green.avi`

Is this the best way to name things given my preference of having spaces around the hyphen? Do the spaces even matter?
(2018-08-22, 11:21)technostreamer Wrote: Say episode 2 and 3 are a single video file.
Don't make it difficult, follow the 'rules' as far as the season/episode numbering go : TVshowname - S01E02E03 - Blue+Yellow.avi
(2018-08-22, 11:35)Klojum Wrote:
(2018-08-22, 11:21)technostreamer Wrote: Say episode 2 and 3 are a single video file.
Don't make it difficult, follow the 'rules' as far as the season/episode numbering go : TVshowname - S01E02E03 - Blue+Yellow.avi  
 But that's an entirely different pattern not even mentioned on the wiki page. The closest the wiki has is this `name s01e01-episode1.title-s01e02-episode2.title.ext`

Which is the same as what I have except I have spaces before and after each of the hyphens.
The spaces won't matter. I have several multi-episode-in-one-file files name as "Series Name - s01e02-03 - Blue + Yellow.mkv". (Just don't put a space around the hyphen between the 02-03 in the example above)

I don't use the "name s01e01-episode1.title-s01e02-episode2.title.ext" format myself, but I don't see why it would be unhappy with spaces in between the hyphens and episode titles in there either.

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