TV Mini Series to be Listed as Movie?

I have the movie Storm of the Century by Stephen King (excellent movie) but since it was shown as a tv mini series, it won't show up in my movies folder. Yes, technically it is a tv mini series but really, it is a movie. Is there any way to manually add it to my movies instead of tv?

I normally use TMM for this type of thing. Put it in the “movies” folder in which TMM looks. Scrape it. TMM prob wont find. Then edit all metadata by hand. Download the fanart etc. Save NFO file.
Then copy evthg to your movies folder and have kodi update library. Kodi will use the NFO file and take meta data from there without trying to scrape from a online db
The Movie Database also indicates 'Storm of the Century' as a tv show. So scraping it as a movie won't work probably.

Kodi stores a movie quite differently in its database than it does a tvshow, changing that manually involves many manual sql queries.
Not worth the hassle very much, IMHO.
Thats why you make a local NFO file
When kodi finds that, it will look no further to moviedb or tvdb or anywhwere
Sorry, I don't think I'm that advanced of a Kodi user. Can you walk me through some of this? Edit metadata location, create nfo file, location to put fan art. Do I put it all into a folder in my movies directory?

Download the program “Tiny Media Manager” (TMM). Install and run. I think there is a help function or help web pages.
It is really easy. Just fill in the fields like title, year, country, plot, the cast, languages, etc etc. Speaks for itself. Just play around for like half an hour. Quickeat way to learn ;-)
Note that it will only work as a movie if you have the 3 episodes combined into a single file.

[edit] actually scrub what I said before, it'll work as 3 files with stacking so it only show as a single entry, but obviously doing it as a single file or 3 parts stacked mean you won't get the individual episode metadata.
No that you dont need to do
You can add “part1” “part2” etc to the names of indidivual movie files
Check kodi help pages on naming conventions
The 3 parts are as one file. I will give TMM a look-see. I didn't realize that was a program. Nice! I just put all of the files (art work, nfo, etc) in a folder in the movies folder? And then I just scan for new files?

Thanks for the help all!
It worked! Excellent. Thank you again.
The way mini-series are handled in TMDB changed earlier this year. They used to be allowed in the movie section, but were removed and are only allowed in the TV section.

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TV Mini Series to be Listed as Movie?0