2018-08-26, 12:49
I tried to change the stock pcsx-rearmed core included in the latest Retroplayer build to the more updated .dll in the libretro buidbot. I've changed the name of the core in addon.xml accordingly (from game.libretro.pcsx-rearmed.dll to pcsx_rearmed_libretro.dll, but I think that changing directly the name of the file instead should lead to same results). But kodi gave me an error:
12:32:32.353 T:2624 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(C:\KodiLast\addons\game.libretro\game.libretro.dll)
12:32:32.356 T:2624 ERROR: AddOnLog: Sony - PlayStation (PCSX ReARMed): Unable to load: "C:\KodiLast\addons\game.libretro.pcsx-rearmed\pcsx_rearmed_libretro.dll":
12:32:32.356 T:2624 ERROR: AddOnLog: Sony - PlayStation (PCSX ReARMed): Failed to load C:\KodiLast\addons\game.libretro.pcsx-rearmed\pcsx_rearmed_libretro.dll
12:32:32.356 T:2624 ERROR: ADDON: Dll Sony - PlayStation (PCSX ReARMed) - Client returned bad status (5) from Create and is not usable
12:32:32.353 T:2624 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(C:\KodiLast\addons\game.libretro\game.libretro.dll)
12:32:32.356 T:2624 ERROR: AddOnLog: Sony - PlayStation (PCSX ReARMed): Unable to load: "C:\KodiLast\addons\game.libretro.pcsx-rearmed\pcsx_rearmed_libretro.dll":
12:32:32.356 T:2624 ERROR: AddOnLog: Sony - PlayStation (PCSX ReARMed): Failed to load C:\KodiLast\addons\game.libretro.pcsx-rearmed\pcsx_rearmed_libretro.dll
12:32:32.356 T:2624 ERROR: ADDON: Dll Sony - PlayStation (PCSX ReARMed) - Client returned bad status (5) from Create and is not usable