2018-08-29, 13:29
A Kodi 18 problem appeared about 10 nighly builds ago. Where on the forum would I report the problem? I've searched but can't find anything about the Beta testing. Thank you.
(2018-08-29, 13:29)lakedaisy Wrote: A Kodi 18 problem appeared about 10 nighly builds ago. Where on the forum would I report the problem? I've searched but can't find anything about the Beta testing. Thank you.Although the forum does not have a specific beta testing thread or subforum, I still think it is a good place to make initial bug reports (for beta or any other release). Choose a suitable support subforum e.g. for music related suff use "Music Support", or if platform specific pick the platform under "General Support", or the "OS Independant/Other". Create a new thread with a descriptive tiitle and explain clearly in the post how to reproduce the issue. If you put it in the wrong place, or the nature of the issue becomes clearer later, a moderator can move it to a better one.