Android Local trailers
I have trailers for most of my local movies, but the show up as the movie itself.  I end up with 2 movies that look the same. Is there a way to use local stored trailers?
Hello @[email protected]

Yes there is a way and it relies on correct naming of the files.

Like Artwork and NFO Files, Kodi prefers local trailers first.

You should ensure your trailers are correctly named, which yours are not if they are showing up in the movie list. Consider trailer naming follows the same standard as NFO naming, so it should look like this (nfo files are not required for trailers to work, just shown as part of a naming example)...

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017).m2ts
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017).nfo
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)-trailer.m2ts

Name your trailer exactly the same as the video file, then append -trailer at the end with no spaces.

You need to correctly name your trailer, then remove the movie from the library and rescrape it. It will also be a good idea to disable "traliers" in the scraper setting page if you exclusively use local trailers.

A correctly named local trailer must be present at the time of scraping. It cannot be added later.
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