Retroplayer - cores not showing up
Hello all,

I am completely new with Kodi - I just came across it as an option for me to have a retrogaming-dedicated machine with a cool front-end.
Anyway, I followed the steps in these pages to a T:

The result is the same in both. Once IARL is installed, when I launch it, instead of the list of gaming consoles I only see 4 options: Last player, IARL Extras, Random Play and Search.

Looks like I am missing some sort of link between Kodi and the cores in RetroArch?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Cores are only included in my test builds. In master, they will have to come from our repo, which should be up in the next week or two.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
(2018-10-13, 17:30)garbear Wrote: Cores are only included in my test builds. In master, they will have to come from our repo, which should be up in the next week or two.
 I used this one:

Isn't that one supposed to be the one with the cores included?
Yes, my test builds package all the cores. Try IAGL, IARL is deprecated.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
While were on the subject of cores I've got a curious question..
On my dev pc witch is running your "20181001-e816ac90-retroplayer-18beta3-x64.exe". I have "game.libretro.pcsx-rearmed" but on my main drive witch is LibreELEC I only have "game.libretro.beetle-psx".
No Biggie, I find game.libretro.beetle-psx works great with my pbp rips. No probs. Is the rearmed core just windows?

Follow up.., totally off topic! Smile
Your builds have "Extensions changed from video/music to games: .bin, .img, .iso, .zip, .cue". I have a advancedsetting.xml excluding these, is it safe to bin that with LibreELEC?
(2018-10-15, 11:51)Steveb Wrote: While were on the subject of cores I've got a curious question..
On my dev pc witch is running your "20181001-e816ac90-retroplayer-18beta3-x64.exe". I have "game.libretro.pcsx-rearmed" but on my main drive witch is LibreELEC I only have "game.libretro.beetle-psx".
No Biggie, I find game.libretro.beetle-psx works great with my pbp rips. No probs. Is the rearmed core just windows?

The rearmed core is stylized "ReARMed". As in, it's optimized for ARM processors. So I would expect the opposite -- Beetle PSX to be the desired windows core, PCSX ReARMed the desired ARM core. Are either of these cores missing on either platform? The build errors should be fixed so that you can start comparing performance on different platforms.

(2018-10-15, 11:51)Steveb Wrote: While were on the subject of cores I've got a curious question..
Your builds have "Extensions changed from video/music to games: .bin, .img, .iso, .zip, .cue". I have a advancedsetting.xml excluding these, is it safe to bin that with LibreELEC?
This is equivalent to adding the following to advancedsettings.xml:

RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
That makes sense. Cheers.
LibreELEC x86_64 has the game.libretro.beetle-psx.
Windows Build has game.libretro.beetle-psx and game.libretro.pcsx-rearmed.
I'll stick with beetle-psx that works great on both systems.
(2018-10-15, 06:59)garbear Wrote: Yes, my test builds package all the cores. Try IAGL, IARL is deprecated.
 I made it work with IAGL. However, it crashed due to a special character in the path to my AppData folder:
23:25:02.099 T:11944   ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--
                                             - NOTE: IGNORING THIS CAN LEAD TO MEMORY LEAKS!
                                            Error Type: <type 'exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError'>
                                            Error Contents: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xfa' in position 15: ordinal not in range(128)
                                            Traceback (most recent call last):
                                              File "C:\Users\Tanaus�\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\plugin.program.iagl\", line 22, in <module>
                                                IAGL.initialize_IAGL_settings() #Initialize some addon stuff

Not sure if this is on your side or on Kodi's, just leaving it here in case you want to improve on.

By the way. Great work.
Forgot to mention. I made it work by creating another Windows user without special characteres.

(2018-10-16, 07:09)Steveb Wrote: LibreELEC x86_64 has the game.libretro.beetle-psx.
PCSX-ReARMed only builds for ARM. So the x86_64 repos will not include it.

(2018-10-17, 06:34)iluntasun Wrote: Forgot to mention. I made it work by creating another Windows user without special characteres.

Let me know if you find anything confusing.
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth

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Retroplayer - cores not showing up0