v18 PVR Binary Addons - Repository Empty
I just browsed the addon repository through my web browser and currently can't see anything listed in the PVR client category. There's nothing listed so if it is the same for in Kodi. Then I'm going to have trouble setting up my PVR backend connection on Beta 4 (or the latest nightlies). Is there any automated or otherwise build action going on currently please to fill this category?
Telling us which platform and build version might be helpful
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Pessoal alguém pode. Me ajudar estalei Kodi no Xbox one quando vou pra lista pvr simples cliente ela não está lá versão 18 .0 beta 4

English translation required, please.
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Estalei Kodi 18.0 beta 4 mas não aparece pvr simples cliente o que fazer estalado no Xbox one
We are an English forum.

Post a translation... https://translate.google.com.au/
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It's yet another post about XBox IPTV Simple

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