Copyright law
As of 2016, the U.S., belong to the Berne Convention.
The Berne Convention says that the scope and limitations of any copyright are based on the laws of the country where the misuse of the copyright-protected work takes place (rather than the country where the work originated).
Going by that, no one outside the US would be braking the law by making a "backup" of their Blu-Ray or DVD, but heres the fun part, seems Kodi is breaking their own rules by "helping" people who are having trouble playing, or listening to music or watching a Movie, because online radio streaming music is a no no in the US because no royalties are paid, haha okay i am sorry but this is to good to let go, while i aggree with the forum guidelines, some are a bit "only in America" and after reading tons of pages on US copyright law "because Kodi states
Kodi's Official Forum Piracy Policy
"All discussions dealing directly with or linking to add-ons, websites, or services that violate US copyright laws"
Well by having a Video support forum and dicussion problems, Kodi is in violation of US law because is the DVD protection was broken its illegal, and lets face it how else are you going to get it down on your hard drive, its legal in most of Europe to make a personal Copy, not in the US
And Kodi can play your nicely ripped blu-ray or DVD which is fine in most countries exept the US who are still thinking about that one haha i am sorry but that is totally hilarious.
Okay i am done for now, but i had to get this out, because i feel KODI is putting to much on US law, and since the copyright law in the US is supject to state laws WHICH MOST COUNTRIES DO NOT HAVE its kinda "what a bull does after eating in the woods" because lets face it most people are sick and tired of the "US Police force" and i personally get sick when i read that water boarding is not torture in the US, "water boarding is holding a person down on his back putting a cloth over his mouth and then pour water over his mouth, and its what the US use to get a person to confess, but just to add a twist its done with a medic present so when the person dies from drowning he is brought back to life by the medics and then it starts over again, but its not torture, i aggree its SICK and twisted. to kill a person and then revive him then drown him again
And why am i writing this in the cupyright law discussion, because i take offence to being told that
"All discussions dealing directly with or linking to add-ons, websites, or services that violate US copyright laws"
I do not live in the US and thank god for that, what KODI should have wrote was that
Kodi's Official Forum Piracy Policy
"All discussions dealing directly with or linking to add-ons, websites, or services that violate copyright laws in your country"
because as KODI so often writes they do not tell people how to use KODI and never will,
come again and what do you call the above.
Well atleast free speach allows me to post my views without fear of OUCH stop that, no not a joke but another thing i seen to often.
But still the TK does an excellent job no doubt about that i just wish they would stop telling people how to live, and god forbid you do not post a debug.log then you get no help, has anyone read the wiki it says people are encourage to provide a debug.log but i have seen "mods" bash the heck out of people without a debug.log even being extreamly rude and putting them down.
The worst i saw was a user mocking another user for his post, and getting him mad, then a mod logged on and gave him a warning, fair enough if you diregarde the fact that the user and the "mod" was the same person.
i was speechless and i can't be the only one who knew that the "mod" and user was the same some of the other TK surely must have known, why is this permitted.
ofc the user with the warning got even more mad and wrote he wanted his account deleted, which another "mod" said with mockery no problem by.
I am sorry but what the heck.
i still get a sick feeling thing about that, and i keep my post to a minimum because, and yes i know what a blessing and delight.
I bet i will get a lot of hate mail now stating this and that or most likely my post gets thrashed, for being what ever
Fine i do not mind i just hope someone other that me thinks that bashing another user even if his post was junk and then logging on with your "god account" and giving the mad hatter a warning is not okay ny nomeans but it happen some 3-4 months ago so why did i not report it, well i could write 10 pages why not, but i think its clear to everyone.
But okay the "mods" have a hard time, and not a paying job.
But still there is no excuse for that behaviour
Thank you and if you feel i went OT i aggree but i see no point in making several threads on these matters.
feel free to comment if you disagree i will not comment my self. i hope my reply is read before its burned thx