Smart Playlist: Next unwatched episode (TVShows)

I want to define a Smart Playlist that shows the next unwatched episode (just one per TV Show) of all the TV Shows on my library.

With the following XML I am able to show *all* the unwatched episodes of *all* my TV Shows (orderd by episode number), but I just want the next one to the last one seen per TV Show.

<smartplaylist type="episodes">
    <rule field="playcount" operator="is">
    <order direction="ascending">episode</order>

I'd also like to find this out - how to set up a smart playlist to show the next unwatched episode for all my tv shows and to only show one episode per TV show in the results.

I've found the LazyTV addon, but I'd rather just keep to a simple method without using an addon.

Would appreciate any help. Thanks
Anyone find the answer to this?

Sent from my D6603
I know this is a really old one but I'm also searching for this.

I want to create a playlist with the Next unwatched episode out of a certain playlist or location, the default Recommended Episode does this over all TV shows in the library and I want to exclude Kids TV shows.
(2016-02-06, 14:09)Hustler1337 Wrote: I've found the LazyTV addon, but I'd rather just keep to a simple method without using an addon.

Does the lazy TV add on create a smart playlist that will be picked up by the android channels system.. 

I would assume that next episode of the TV series I am currently watching, once per series, is the most desired 'next' that is possible ??
So I guess this isn't a current option how do I go about requesting this functionality?
Running Matrix Titan Bingie Mod skin on Nvidia Shield to Insignia 58in 4k TV in living room. Same setup on Xiaomi Mi boxes in my bedroom and home gym. Same setup in camper with a 24in tv, Google Pixel 7 Android 13 cell phone. Kodi and Plex Server Dell Inspirion 5575 Ryzen 5 HTPC Windows 10 with 5TB external HDD
(2018-11-15, 04:32)cscott1 Wrote: So I guess this isn't a current option how do I go about requesting this functionality?
The plain and simple truth is that Kodi provides basic media playback functionality that most people want/need. If you want something more specific, Kodi provides a mechanism for community-developed add-ons to fulfill more unique and specific needs.

All you have to do is find an add-on developer that is willing to give you what you want, or create the add-on yourself. Keep in mind that add-on development is only slight less non-trivial than adding the desired functionality directly into Kodi. Add to that the transition from Python2 to Python3, and add-on development becomes even more tedious until the transition to Python3 is complete (Kodi 19).  Furthermore, any add-on devs that are actively maintaining their add-ons are probably busy making sure their stuff works in BOTH Python2 and Python 3 (Kodi 18), and it's highly unlikely that the devs already experienced with writing add-ons are probably busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest, so finding one with free time is going to be like looking for a needle in a stack of needles.

(2018-11-15, 04:32)cscott1 Wrote: So I guess this isn't a current option how do I go about requesting this functionality?
 Feature Request.

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Smart Playlist: Next unwatched episode (TVShows)0