Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
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My episodes are currently sorted in alphabetical order. How do I sort by Episode # ?

Off to the left, there's a spinbox labeled "sort by", you'll never guess what it does. This assumes ofcourse you're using the default skin since you didn't bother to mention such details.
Thanks for the reply, allthekiller. I appreciate the sarcasm too. By the way, I'm using XTV, the original version.
mga911 Wrote:Thanks for the reply, allthekiller. I appreciate the sarcasm too. By the way, I'm using XTV, the original version.

You're lucky, that was one of his nicer answers. Smile On the default skin this is often "hidden" or shifted off screen to allow for more screen space to look at the fan art. Moving left or right with the remote/controller will bring it the panel into view.

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