OMV + NFS + Kodi - dropping out of video - streaming break
I've just setup OMV for home, decent i5 server, NFS and Samba shares...
I have 3 Kodi instances, 2xlibrelece 1x android.

Kodi keeps dropping from videos, playing just fine and then looks like i pressed stop.
On all 3 Kodi machines.

I had NFS before and I use this NFS on my Linux machines and speeds are ~80MB/s, which is fine, but Kodi keeps dropping.

Any known issues? Or help? Smile

Having the same issue.  Just manually updated to latest OMV. Prior to updating everything was fine.  About to try their forums since its definitely a OMV problem before I do a fresh install.  Seems to randomly happen as well.

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OMV + NFS + Kodi - dropping out of video - streaming break0