Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Update and Remote Button Questions
I recently upgraded to Kodi 18 Leia and was using the Leia Beta (RPi3+). When it auto upgraded to RC stable I had to find the upgrade version of the skin because I was warned that my current version was not compatible.
This was fine. I was able to find the most recent version of Zephyr and with little trouble I was back and everything works great.

I also had some other things change. 

I have a keymap for my remote and it works great. The only change is that my Guide (EPG) button does not work while watching Live TV. On any other screen the button works. Is there a setting in my keymap or in the setting xml that will allow the Guide to come up while playing video?

Also, is there a weblink repo to constantly receive Zephyr updates instead of downloading a zip? If not, what is the main way to keep up with Zephyr updates?

Thank you
This great skin will not receive any more updates, The Author will create another version with improvements, you can continue using this while waiting for the second version or can use the MoD version
Xioami Mi Stick - Kodi 18.8
Libreelec 9.2.X - Kodi 18.8
Raspberry Pi 3

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