Moving to Kodi 18

If I want to move forward to Kodi18, which version should I need to update in order to remain with the same setup that I'm working today?

If I install both of the mods here and restore my configuration, will it work?
(2019-01-29, 20:17)burekas Wrote: If I want to move forward to Kodi18, which version should I need to update in order to remain with the same setup that I'm working today?
You will need to upgrade to the v18 version for your hardware.

"Remain with the same setup" is a bit too vague. For starters, your databases will be upgraded if you still use Kod v17.x at the moment. Other settings may change as well.

(2019-01-29, 20:17)burekas Wrote: If I install both of the mods here and restore my configuration, will it work?
You will need to be a bit more clear on "both of the mods". What are you specifically referring to?
What I did all the times is waiting for Marcel to update the skin to 3.8.x
Saving the skin parameters to file, updating kodi version to 18, then installing the 3.8.x version of Titan skin, and then restoring the configuration file.
So everything remains the same just with Kodi 18.

As I know, Marcel isn't going to update the skin for Kodi 18 by himself, so there are two active mods here that supporting kodi 18.

So my question is which of them will accomplish the same goal as I did with previous versions?

If I'm updating to kodi 18 while I have 3.7.x, what will happen?
(2019-01-29, 20:34)burekas Wrote: What I did all the times is waiting for Marcel to update the skin to 3.8.x
Saving the skin parameters to file, updating kodi version to 18, then installing the 3.8.x version of Titan skin, and then restoring the configuration file.
So everything remains the same just with Kodi 18.

As I know, Marcel isn't going to update the skin for Kodi 18 by himself, so there are two active mods here that supporting kodi 18.

So my question is which of them will accomplish the same goal as I did with previous versions?

If I'm updating to kodi 18 while I have 3.7.x, what will happen?
 I think booth mods, are not Supposed work "100% accurate"to use skinhelper backup to restore the skin Setting of Titan.

The reason lies in Skinhelper Backup, as it uses and needs the skin id (which need to be different, for the mods)
An Extension in the code from sh.backup,could help but i think there isn't much need.
Also both mods, need to change their id to fit an extension,which must be added also in sh.backup

  skin_name = skin_name.replace(".mod", "")


def get_skin_name():
    ''' get the skin name filtering out any beta prefixes and such.'''
    skin_name = xbmc.getSkinDir().decode("utf-8")
    skin_name = skin_name.replace("skin.", "")
    skin_name = skin_name.replace(".kryptonbeta", "")
    skin_name = skin_name.replace(".jarvisbeta", "")
    skin_name = skin_name.replace(".leiabeta", "")
    return skin_name

I reccommend ,do your settings again and backup them for further use.
You won't notice, in everyday use any major changes with Kodi Leia, is you are just an ordinary user like myself. In fact it looks and acts the same. Remember, if you have problems with Leia you cant go back to Titan without a fresh install. I had no problems in Version 17.6 and regret going to Kodi 18. I Use Kodi only to watch movies and videos through my external HD and am getting an annoying "script duration error", which means every time I have to create a bookmark or the movie starts again from the beginning.
Basically we knows that it won't stop at 18.0, I guess there will be also additional 18.x versions until it will be stable enough.

And me too, my kodi 17.6 and the skin 3.7.x is great now without any critical issues, everything is set the same for a long time, and I don't want to set it all over again with these mods.
I just need the same great original Titan skin but with kodi 18 support.

I wish Marcel will surprise us, but as we know it's not going to happen.

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Moving to Kodi 180