See Movies by same Director
Hello, i'm new here. Hopefully this ist the right threat Wink.
Can somebody help me by creating a smart Playlist?
The Playlist shall show movies from the Direktor of the last watched movie.
For example my last watched movie was Interstellar (Direktor: Chriopher Nolan). --> the Playlist shall show me all movies of Christopher Nolan which i have in my library.

Hopefully so somebody can help me.
Hello @gu3nter

No, you posted in the wrong place, so I have split your post and moved it to the "OS Independent" forum

You probably don't need a Smart Playlist for that. Just press the Same director button in the Movie Information Page. (wiki) In the image below it is the middle button. On your Kodi, you may have to scroll along the row of buttons to see it.

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Thanks for the fast reply, a smart Playlist would be better for me, hopefully you can help me, by creating one Wink
I Wang to add the Playlist as video node.
(2019-01-27, 07:54)gu3nter Wrote: The Playlist shall show movies from the Direktor of the last watched movie.
I don't think you can do that with a Smart Playlist.
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Die you now another opinion?
Apart from my suggestion in my first post, no I do not know how you can pass on the last watched movie to a node or a smart playlist to display a list of other movies by the same director.
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Glad to hear, thanks for your help
I've got a solution by adapting service.library.provider. If somebody is interested he can download it attached. Have fun with it Wink
Ich also added movie node genre from last played movie

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