Posts: 3
Joined: Jan 2019
Great project that I want to use.
Thanks for the work.
I have 2 Raspberry Pi machines. Both 3 model B.
One is using picorePlayer v4.1.0 as my music server (squeezelite v1.9.0-1121-pCP and Logitech media server v7.9.2 - 1547151505).
The other has LibreElec v8.95.002 which is Kodi 18.0-RC4.
And they are both up to date...
Now I want to use my Kodi also as a music player. So I first installed the LibreElec media tools v9.0.109 and than the Squeezebox for Kodi v1.0.19.
The only thing I get when I use the icon "Squeezebox for Kodi" is the "...".
My server can be seen from all other machines like Pc, Mac, Phones and tablets using iPeng.
But not from Kodi.
Can you please help me to make this work.
Are there any other things that I need to do?
I am not a pro so can you please tell it step by step.
Posts: 3
Joined: Jan 2019
After a half day of trying I managed to make the system work but the sound disappears after 2 seconds.
Can anyone please help.
Posts: 16
Joined: Aug 2015
Same probölem here also using Odroid C2 and coreelec. Also tried xsqueeze which handels this problem, but you can´t (or better I don´t know how) to programm the links to start a squence so that you first open xsqueeze and then the command.
Hope there will be someone who can help us:
Greetings Elluminatus
Posts: 291
Joined: Aug 2015
Hi, I was just wondering if any improvements have been made with this. Currently im using Kodiv18 RC4 or 5 and although i can get this to control LMS and pretend that a stream is playing etc. It all seems very buggy though. Loading music does sometimes work although no most of the time wont play and if it is synchronized the synchronization is off. I do use this addon in a way by not launching its own instance, but rather controller a squeezlite instance that I already have running on the windows 7 PC (also the LMS server). Controls using Kodi, like loading music, skipping tracks etc, don't seem to work well or consistently, however if i use another method like my home automation, or the Orange Squeeze app it seems to work fine.
Note that i do not have any music locally and i primarily use the new spotty LMS add-on since they disabled built in app support. I do like the way that you trick Kodi to think its playing, although it doesn't seem to react in a timely manner.
Ultimately i would love to use Kodi as the primary interface for controlling music but every time i try this addon it seems like its stuck with the same use-ability issues. I am happy to provide logs etc, or work with you to determine the issues.
Posts: 3
Joined: Jan 2019
Hi again;
I made it work with editing the config.txt
The problem is I am using the bluetooth as line out.
When I add the line;
Bluetooth stops working.
System- LibreElec - Bluetooth...
Does not work anymore.
Is there a solution for this.
Thanks Regards.
Posts: 2
Joined: Nov 2011
Have it working on Kodi 17.6 but after switch to Kodi 18 i have troubles.
Sometime play 2 secodns then pause. Sometime play normal, Sometime complete silence.
Kodi 18 on windows 10 with Xsqueeze.
Is there a solution for this?
Posts: 4
Joined: Mar 2018
Hello everyone,
I have a Logitech server install on a raspberry with Max2Play.
I have another raspberry with Kodi Librelec I installed Squeezebox as well as MediaTools as shown. But I do not vist the deck in LogitechMediaServer. Can you help me thank you very much
Posts: 4
Joined: Mar 2018
Oui ca marche merci beaucoup
Posts: 4
Joined: Mar 2018
I have a small problem the command dtparam = audio = it blocks the operation of my Dac Hiffibery. Someone would have any idea.