2003-10-03, 01:51
i just copied my old smb path across from my xbmp config.xml file, and it couldn't connect. it's in the following format:
it seems to be having the same problems i have with any of xport's emulators, which also fail to recognise smb shares in this format. i eventually managed to get mameox to see a share with this format:
but this won't work with xbmc or xports emus.
i'm using windows xp. any help would be appreciated. (but it would be better if xbmc (and everything else) used the same smb routines as xbmp. :d i had no problems whatsoever with that. )
it seems to be having the same problems i have with any of xport's emulators, which also fail to recognise smb shares in this format. i eventually managed to get mameox to see a share with this format:
but this won't work with xbmc or xports emus.
i'm using windows xp. any help would be appreciated. (but it would be better if xbmc (and everything else) used the same smb routines as xbmp. :d i had no problems whatsoever with that. )