Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Configuring kodi to work with MySQL
i need some help setting this up.

basically i allow my folks to store thier media on my server and they acccess it remotely using usernames and passwords.

i would like to back up my media library and my folks library to two independent databases with username and password, so that my media wouldn't end up in my folks list and visa versa.

its worth mentioning that the host for the mysql database will be fedora and ill be using cli not got php installed

thanks in advance for your help
can anyone help or point me in the right direction?
Can't you just create a new database using the "name" tag in the advancedsettings.xml and have your folks use that separate database?
(2019-02-05, 16:41)helta Wrote: Can't you just create a new database using the "name" tag in the advancedsettings.xml and have your folks use that separate database?
thanks helta ill give it a shot

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Configuring kodi to work with MySQL0