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Can I transfer a zip from my Android tablet to kodi?
As the title says I want to know if it's possible to transfer a zip file that I downloaded on to my Android tablet so I can install the addon on kodi (on my Pi2)
I usually use my laptop and choose get zip file but thought instead of booting up the laptop is there a way of installing the zip from the tablet?
I went into file manager and added the IP address of the tablet but that won't connect.
Has anyone heard of a way
Do it the other way around - use a decent file manager on the tablet (ES File Explorer for example, but there are many others) with SMB support.

The Pi can be accessed via SMB if it is enabled, and you can then use ES to connect to the Pi and move the zip file across to the Pi then locally install it.
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+1 for ES File Explorer
Thanks guys I did try that but on the app when I went to network it said no windows shares found, but I don't think I have smb turned on so thanks for that.... Going to try it now
Cheers works great now I set up smb Smile
(2015-05-23, 13:32)DarrenHill Wrote: Do it the other way around - use a decent file manager on the tablet (ES File Explorer for example, but there are many others) with SMB support.

The Pi can be accessed via SMB if it is enabled, and you can then use ES to connect to the Pi and move the zip file across to the Pi then locally install it.
you could share it to Dropbox / Google Drive as well
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I have a folder on my pc that I set as a source in (kodi) file manager. So if I want to install a zip I chuck it in there, and on kodi when I click 'install from zip' it's one of the options that comes up. It makes things a lot easier, as more than likely I'll want the same zip on multiple machines.
Hi guys,

I like the Grid skin better than any of the others I've seen and have been trying to install it for hours with no luck. I already did the instructions above with the .xml file edit and I have the zip file, my issue is getting the zip file to Kodi. Anybody have a way to do this? I've tried ES file explorer, adblink but can't figure out how to get it to show up on Kodi so I can install it. I know it's not being updated anymore which is fine, I just can't seem to figure out how to load the zip file to Kodi, if anyone could chime in that would be much appreciated.

The simplest way is to set up a source folder somewhere with the zip file in it and then use the Kodi file manager to access and move it to the local device. Exactly as @trogggy describes it in the post directly above yours.
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Thanks for the reply. I think the issue I'm having is making the link between the 2 and how to pull up the folder on Kodi. I can get to the file manager etc but not sure how to link them so I can see the file there, I'm using Mac so that might be an issue too.
(2015-05-23, 13:06)Steve_uk Wrote: Hi
As the title says I want to know if it's possible to transfer a zip file that I downloaded on to my Android tablet so I can install the addon on kodi (on my Pi2)
I usually use my laptop and choose get zip file but thought instead of booting up the laptop is there a way of installing the zip from the tablet?
I went into file manager and added the IP address of the tablet but that won't connect.
Has anyone heard of a way

You can also use Bluetooth if your unit supports it. Atleast it worked for me using librelec. I Just had to enable filetransfer over Bluetooth in librelec configuration.

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Can I transfer a zip from my Android tablet to kodi?0