2019-03-03, 11:54
Hi,i want more customisable option on this skin like previous Aeon Mq 7,thanks !
(2019-03-03, 11:05)Wanilton Wrote:I cleared the Cache of Kodi in the App Settings and everything is working now as it should(2019-03-03, 07:21)Amjak Wrote: Extra fanart cycling of the background in the movie library is not working for me I have them stored in the movie subfolders in the extrafanart folder named as fanart1.jpg fanart2.jpg etc... I used both Artwork Beef and Toolbox Script to get them to work but the skin only shows the Standart fanart.I have the same extrafanart folders for each movie item and cycle fine (by default is ON). One more info Skin get all arts auto, user doesn't need more run script like Artwork Beef (previously Artwork Downloader).
In other skin's like Aeon Nox Silvo and Aeon MQ7 Leia Mod it works.
I'm using a Nvidia Shield tv with Android TV 8
(2019-03-03, 11:54)daniko Wrote: Hi,i want more customisable option on this skin like previous Aeon Mq 7,thanks !SKin have a lot of features and customizations. Remember MQ7 for Krypton was created by many skinners and are one Mod version MQ7 for Jarvis made by Marcos.
(2019-03-03, 11:57)MaximeC Wrote: When I change the font to use Cyrillic instead of Default, I can't use the Font Style 1 for the main menu (Style 2 is used instead).Have fonts don't have support for Cyrillic, nothing for to do. But Thanks for inform, maybe replace by others fonts is one option for the next version.
(2019-03-03, 14:36)toutoune290 Wrote: Hi MarcosQui and Wanilton,
thanks for the hard work and for this wonderfull result !
just one thing i missed from the MQ7 Mods is the media cases in the shelf view. it's my favorite and i really missed it.
can you telle me how i can mod this ? or, better, provide us a option to apply cases for this view :-)
thanks thanks thanks !!!!
(2019-03-03, 14:17)kperi Wrote: Is possible when use the widgettv shows recently added to be show only the new added unwatched episodes in library like before in mq7?I modified the IncludesVariables.xml file which now appears to work the way it is suppose to.
Thanks a lot.
Great work to all of you for making the best skin of kodi.