Solved Restore focus on power icon for Confluence (Leia)

Using my TV remote control (Pulse-Eight CEC Adapter) to navigate "down" from the "navigation bar" to the "bottom border" on the Confluence "home" screen, the focus is now on the favorites icon (rather than the power icon) and I would like to know if this behavior can be restored (to that of previous versions)?

Here is an example of focus on the power icon for Confluence (Krypton)...


Here is an example of focus on the favorites icon for Confluence (Leia)...


Yes, I'd like to know how to do that, too. I prefer the Krypton way to put focus back on the Power button, not Favorites, when scrolling down from the Menu Bar.
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Sorry, no help w/out a *full debug log*.
You can change it by editing home.xml, but it will revert when the skin is updated.
To change the behaviour:
  • open skin.confluence/720p/Home.xml
  • Look for every instance of '<ondown>21</ondown>' and change 21 (favourites) to 20 (power).
  • Save the file
  • Reload the skin (if it's running)
Using notepad++'s search and replace function that takes less time than for me to type this post.
(2019-03-13, 11:58)trogggy Wrote: You can change it by editing home.xml, but it will revert when the skin is updated.
To change the behaviour:
  • open skin.confluence/720p/Home.xml
  • Look for every instance of '<ondown>21</ondown>' and change 21 (favourites) to 20 (power).
  • Save the file
  • Reload the skin (if it's running)
Using notepad++'s search and replace function that takes less time than for me to type this post.   
I'm certainly grateful that you did take the time to type this post (as I would never have found this file or the appropriate command syntax on my own)...

For reference, the file is located here: '/storage/.kodi/addons/skin.confluence/720p/Home.xml' on my LibreELEC 9.0.1 (RPI2.arm) filesystem.

I wonder if @Hitcher would consider making '<ondown>20</ondown>' the default for Confluence (Leia) or perhaps as an option in Home window (Skin settings)?

I also echo the previous post. Thank you very much for the info. Now the Power button focus is the way I want it.

It appears that HitcherUK committed the changes to Restore focus on power icon for [skin.confluence] v4.6.4 (never released)? that have now taken effect with the recent release of [skin.confluence] v4.6.5

Thanks (again) to @Hitcher for supporting the Confluence legacy!

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Restore focus on power icon for Confluence (Leia)0