Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Disable chapter markers
I asked this question in the Linux sub-forums since I'm running LibreELEC/CoreELEC, but I got no replies. I hope it's not against the rules to ask again here.

Is there a way to force KODI to ignore chapter makers in video files? I'm used to seeking a set amount through videos and some videos with chapter markers won't allow it to work the way I expect it.
How are you seeking in your videos?  For keyboard, the keys [ and ] should give you +/- 10 mins skip.  If you are using up and down, you need to create a new keymap.

scott s.
Thanks for the reply. Pressing left and right works as expected even when chapter markers are present. The problem is when I press up and down for a longer seek KODI will jump to the chapter markers instead of the skip amount set in advancedsettings.xml

These are the two lines that set the skip size:


Normally if I press up or down it skips 60 seconds, but if there's a chapter marker then it jumps to that instead. This is what I'm trying to disable.
Suggest doing a keymap for Fullscreenvideo with up key set to Seek(60) and down key Seek(-60).  Looks like this:

scott s.
(2019-03-16, 02:28)scott967 Wrote: Suggest doing a keymap for Fullscreenvideo with up key set to Seek(60) and down key Seek(-60).  Looks like this:

scott s.

That works! Thanks for the help, and sorry for the late reply.

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