it seems like finishing the Player Manager is what we need to fix this issue:
I do like the idea with 2 separate windows (controller types and controllers) both available from the game OSD menu, but I'm not sure what do we need the avatars and names for? Is it supposed to be used for the Netplay?
I think we can divide the project into 2 parts which can be implemented separately.
The first part would be to set the controller types (basically generated from the topology.xml). I'm not sure how the proposed solution on the
picture would work, but I think we would be fine with very simple standard Kodi settings dialog like this (e.g. for PSX):
Controller types
Port 1: (choose from ps.dualanalog, ps.dualshock, ps.gamepad, ps.multitap)
Multitap 1 Port 1: (choose from ps.dualanalog, ps.dualshock, ps.gamepad) - only visible if ps.multitap is choosen on Port 1
Multitap 1 Port 2: (choose from ps.dualanalog, ps.dualshock, ps.gamepad) - only visible if ps.multitap is choosen on Port 1
Multitap 1 Port 3: (choose from ps.dualanalog, ps.dualshock, ps.gamepad) - only visible if ps.multitap is choosen on Port 1
Multitap 1 Port 4: (choose from ps.dualanalog, ps.dualshock, ps.gamepad) - only visible if ps.multitap is choosen on Port 1
Port 2: (choose from ps.dualanalog, ps.dualshock, ps.gamepad, ps.multitap)
Multitap 2 Port 1: (choose from ps.dualanalog, ps.dualshock, ps.gamepad) - only visible if ps.multitap is choosen on Port 2
Multitap 2 Port 2: (choose from ps.dualanalog, ps.dualshock, ps.gamepad) - only visible if ps.multitap is choosen on Port 2
Multitap 2 Port 3: (choose from ps.dualanalog, ps.dualshock, ps.gamepad) - only visible if ps.multitap is choosen on Port 2
Multitap 2 Port 4: (choose from ps.dualanalog, ps.dualshock, ps.gamepad) - only visible if ps.multitap is choosen on Port 2
The default would look like this:
Controller types
Port 1: dualanalog
Port 2: dualanalog
For now we would save this settings for every topology.xml (for every emulator).
In the future we can use the Kodi video settings approach and save one default setting for every topology.xml and then settings per game in the game db. In such scenario we would add one more button "Set as default for all games" (with the same topology.xml).