Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Remove Duplicate's from MYSQL library
as the title suggests i have some duplicate entrys on my mysql library due to an accidental rescan of the contents of the database so its effectively duplicated every entry in the db.

is there any way to fix this?
looks like ive done it again i need to explain stuff better..

My kodi library has a few delicate items (not duplicate files) , is there a add-on or way to remove the duplicates?
(2019-04-02, 00:54)yoda2018 Wrote: My kodi library has a few delicate items (not duplicate files)

How many are 'a few'?
And what's the difference between delicate and duplicate?

(2019-04-02, 00:54)yoda2018 Wrote: is there a add-on or way to remove the duplicates?

So what is it now: delicate or duplicate? This is confusing...
(2019-04-02, 01:05)Klojum Wrote:
(2019-04-02, 00:54)yoda2018 Wrote: My kodi library has a few delicate items (not duplicate files)

How many are 'a few'?
And what's the difference between delicate and duplicate?

(2019-04-02, 00:54)yoda2018 Wrote: is there a add-on or way to remove the duplicates?

So what is it now: delicate or duplicate? This is confusing...
sorry fella i keep forgetting to spell check my posts the library cleaner fixed it

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Remove Duplicate's from MYSQL library0