2019-04-05, 13:52
Quote:Is it possiblto upgrade without starting from scratch? I really don't want to go through the TVH configuration again.OpenELEC development started to wind down 3 years ago, so it is indeed a surprise to find someone wanting support for it. An in-place upgrade to LibreELEC should still be possible, but I would suggest upgrading OpenELEC from within the user interface as far as it will go, and change your skin to the default, before you attempt to switch to LibreELEC. If memory serves me correctly, I think you can just copy the install image to the update folder and reboot your device. The biggest problem you are likely to face going forward is that some of your banned repos may try to update native Kodi dependencies, and the unauthorized version could possibly break things if you just accept every foreign update without understanding what they are doing and why.
After you have cleaned and upgraded your box, a LibreELEC repository will be added that contains updates for the TVheadend components, and it should offer to upgrade those components automatically if necessary. Disable all PVR clients except for the TVheadend PVR client, and disable the zap2xml addon (at least temporarily), then reboot and see if the missing channels appear. You need to establish that a basic TVheadend configuation works before complicating things with other PVR related addons or plugins.