Posts: 74
Joined: Aug 2011
ruuk - Is the yt dload feature now gone in the add-on coz I haven't been able to get it to work in months. The dload ability made this one of the best add-ons, it would be great if it was fixable. Otherwise do you know of an alternative at all? Thanks.
Posts: 121
Joined: Nov 2015
Can I add options in a youtube-dl.conf-file? Where should I put it?
Posts: 5,485
Joined: Jul 2012
Here's a wish list thing: When youtube-dl saves a video it strips out all unicode in the filename. I looked a little at the code, and couldn't see exactly how the filename is constructed. It seems to get it from an info dict. I'm guessing at some point it is getting utf-8 encoded text and not decoding it to unicode string.
scott s.
Posts: 264
Joined: Oct 2009
Kodi 18 with youtube-dl version 2018.11.07 info, downloadPath, template=template)
Returns a value without the downloaded path, but if you use the API which provides a progress dialog then it does. It seems that
class YoutubeDLWrapper(youtube_dl.YoutubeDL).progressCallback returns because _CALLBACK is not set before the path is stored:
if not _CALLBACK:
if info.get('filename'):
self._lastDownloadedFilePath = info.get('filename')
Of course I may be misunderstanding the code :-)