Posts: 2
Joined: Jun 2017
I am using the tunein addon for kodi
Want to use the favourites that i have on the tunein account on my PC
(so i make sure that i am logged in to my tunein account on the PC)
But when i go to favourites in the kodi account i get the message: tunein account required to perform this action
Is there a way to log in to your account in the tunein addon ?
Any help is very much appreciated
Posts: 21,437
Joined: Apr 2017
Highlight the add-on
Call up the Context Menu
Select Information
Select Configure
You can enter your details in the screens there.
Posts: 2
Joined: Jun 2017
Thank you so much ! I was able to log in to my account in the addon succesfully. Now i see the favourites.
Posts: 23
Joined: May 2017
It doesn't work for me, when I go to favorites I have a "Network error". tri to use email or user name as login but never mind...
Is it necessary to have the tunein app on the kodi device?
Posts: 148
Joined: Apr 2018
Same issue here... I've typed my login data into the addon settings, but the favorites don't show up ("network error"). I also noticed that the addon GitHub repo is gone. Is it still actively maintained?
Posts: 15
Joined: Jun 2005
Junior Member
Posts: 15
I also get the same error on a Raspberry Pi 2 running libreelec. However I do not see anything generated on the debug log, do any of you?
Posts: 12,642
Joined: Oct 2014
Thanks. You've still got one orphaned script left in there which I would advise you to remove as it's certainly not needed for anything:
2019-04-22 22:59:54.909 T:28392 NOTICE: ADDON: script.tvaddons.debug.log v1.0.9 installed
With Kodi not running, open Windows Explorer and type %appdata%\Kodi\Addons in the address bar. That should take you to your Kodi addon data folder, containing many sub-folders. There should be one corresponding to the script above, which should be deleted.
Debug log uploading is best done with the Kodi log uploader addon from the official repo (in program addons), although you seem to be fine doing it anyway.
403 web errors are normally due to incorrect log-in credentials, so first thing I would suggest is to check your username and password entry.