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Release XBMC LCDproc Python addon

first up: Sorry for giving the impression that this addon went straight into limbo for the past time. Well, actually it somehow did because I've gotten wrapped up in all kinds of other projects, one of them getting the Digital Devices DVB drivers into the mainline kernel. But also please note that I cannot help with any hardware specific issues as I personally only have one of the SoundGraph iMON LCD's at hands, besides a X11 pseudo-LCD for development. If you have issues with your actual hardware, you should definitely get in contact with the LCDproc guys.

You may ask why there were no updates until now on the addon code. The answer is simple: Until (and including) Krypton, it just worked fine, never experienced something that would have needed changes to the code as it is/was since the 2.6.0 release intended for Helix.

That said, yesterday I've pushed (submitted) version 3.0.0 of script.xbmc.lcdproc which not only makes it compatible with the in-development Leia version (this time, a few things broke, as Leia handles some player things differently), but also adds a French and Polish translation (thanks to fengalin and mskalski) and a new "progress bar with start and endtime" line type (thanks Truong Ta), and carries lots of cleanups and cosmetic changes that shall act as a start to pick up work on the addon again (having quite a few things on my mind). As mentioned, the new version is made especially for Leia and thus will only pop up on that Kodi version, and I'm not going to push out any changes for <=Krypton anymore, as things just work on these versions. 3.0.0 should have hit the mirrors by now already. Please test, and more importantly, please report any issues you might encounter with it.

Best regards,
Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)

first: sorry if this is the wrong place to ask,

I am running an LCD and everything is working perfectly - but there is one thing that bothers me:
How can I display the volume level on the LCD? I mean, either as bar or as an integer value for the percentage - whatever.
I searched docs all over but the only thing I found is the <extrabarX> option "volume" / "volumehidden" for LCD.xml which apparently doesn't work on "simple" LCDs.
With "simple LCDs" I mean those generic 16x2, 20x4 models who consist of ONLY a text area and don't actually have "extra bars" above/below the text area.

In other words:
Is there somehting like a $INFO[system.volume] infolabel that I simply missed?
If not, I would really appreciate if someone could
  • tell me ho what to put into my LCD.xml 
  • tell me WHO could I approach for implementing this?
    (I suppose it needs to be built into the core as an infolabel instead of inside the LCDProc addon Huh ? )
Thanks for any pointers, Thomas
Short answer: Something like $INFO[lcd.volumebar] (like the $INFO[lcd.progressbar] labels) doesn't exist (yet). This needs to be implemented in the addon. Will take this as a feature request (makes sense to have something like that).
Leia+VAAPI+HD-Audio+LCDproc addon,TVHeadend-master/DVB-C/T2+pvr.tvh addon on Ubuntu 18.04 (amd64)
(2018-06-07, 21:04)herrnst Wrote: Please test, and more importantly, please report any issues you might encounter with it.
OSMC updated to Leia this month. My setup (4x40HD44780 connected to GPIO RP1B) working fine with your addon. Selectable BigDigit clock format is working, too.

Danke Daniel!
is it possible to save the LCD-Infos in a .jpg file?

So i can grab it from another LCD to Show me the Infos on my VU+ Receiver too.
I recently became a user of the XBMC LCDproc add-on (BTW - thank you for your great work !).
However, I have one problem. When I listen to the radio, the display shows the current position of the currently playing program (according to the beginning obtained from the EPG).
But wrong. I have a 2x16 format display and the position is ALWAYS shown in MM:SS format. The number of hours elapsed is never displayed. This is very confusing.

I think you need to modify the infolabels.py and lcdproc.py modules:
    def GetPlayerTime(self):
        if self.PlayingLiveTV() or self.PlayingLiveRadio():
            #return self.GetInfoLabel("PVR.EpgEventElapsedTime")
            return self.GetInfoLabel("PVR.EpgEventElapsedTime(hh:mm:ss)")

        return self.GetInfoLabel("Player.Time")

  def GetBigDigitTime(self, mode):
      ret = ""

      if self.m_InfoLabels.IsPlayerPlaying():
        if not (mode == LCD_MODE.LCD_MODE_SCREENSAVER and self.m_InfoLabels.IsPlayerPaused()):
          #ret = self.m_InfoLabels.GetPlayerTime()[-self.m_iBigDigits:]
          ret = self.m_InfoLabels.GetPlayerTime()[:self.m_iBigDigits]

      if ret == "": # no usable timestring, e.g. not playing anything
        strSysTime = self.m_InfoLabels.GetSystemTime()

        if self.m_iBigDigits >= 8: # return h:m:s
          ret = strSysTime
        elif self.m_iBigDigits >= 5: # return h:m when display too small
          ret = strSysTime[:5]

      return ret

Then it works properly (in my opinion), the position is displayed in the format HH:MM.
Unfortunately, I have no option to try it with another display (eg 4x20).
I'm trying to use XBMC Lcd addon to see station and track info while playing internet-radio (TV is off) on my Android TV-Box. External LCD with small case used as radio display.
Stations are set in Radio.m3u playlist, so I can switch it using remote.
I need to show on LCD Label of currently playing track as it set in .m3u playlist, using #EXTINF:-1,#7 Radio7, to see the station playing. 
I prefer Label from .m3u because it contains the station number, corresponding to key on my remote. Other reason - Kody fill Player.Title text very tricky way, and not always as I need.
When I use web-interface, i used JSON-RPC method "Playlist.GetItems", and get "label" property for currently playing item. But, I cannot find such property in InfoLabels.
So, please, give me advise, how could I get this information in addon and send it to LCD using <line>***</line> tag of LCD.xml?
Is it possible to get this label in Python? Any other way?

Thank you very much!
Hi, firstly congratulations on this awesome add-on! I just need some advice with a couple of things:

1) I’m using an old MQ skin that displays song lyrics. These lyrics also display on the lcd which interrupts the song info and progress bar. Is there a way to disable the lyrics altogether?

2) The first time the lyrics show I also get a message about HDD spindown immediate. Is there a way to disable this?

Thanks and I’m sorry if any of this has been covered before, I had a look through the thread but didn’t see anything. Also here’s some information on my set up:

• Kodi Version: Krypton 17.3
• LCDproc Version: 0.5.6
• Python Version: 2.7.9
• Raspberry Pi OS: Based on Raspbian Jessie
• LCD Display: 16x2 HD44780 with I2C interface
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XBMC LCDproc Python addon2