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Does kodi only accept upnp video sources on the same network as the client ?

I'm trying to setup video sharing/streaming from my home networks raspberry pi2's (running osmc) kodi upnp server to my android phone's kodi.

Of course this is very easy to do (i.e. nothing to do except activate upnp sharing on the raspeberry pi2's kodi configuration) when my phone is on the home lan...

...Its much trickyer when my android phone accesses my home network through a vpn (wireguard or openvpn) tunnel to the home network's router (running ddwrt)

Well after implementing multicast routing (using smcroute) on the home network router and correcting ttls with iptables (multicast ttl being only 1 by default they cannot survive the routing without an "intervention"), when my phone is connected to my home network by vpn I have :
  1. Validated with wireshark that I can discover (using a dedicated python script I found via google to send out ssdp discover messages) the pi2's kodi upnp server and that it replies sending its information.
  2. Validated that bubleupnp (also installed on the phone) can discover and then navigate the pi2's video library and play any video i select on the phone.

Alas kodi on the phone still won't list the pi2 when browsing upnp to add a source as bubleupnp does...

So here are the questions... Why ?
  • Does kodi on the phone dismiss the discovery reply because the pi2 is not on the same network ( for the wireguard tunnel vs. for the home network ?) i.e. Does kodi just presuppose upnp:// shares are on the same network as the client leading to an issue with my setup ?
  • Does kodi limit discovery to client network ? --> I doubt it and should check with wireshark what passes through when I try to browse for upnp sources,.
  • As bubleupnp works I'm guessing the fix for kodi must not be huge... Where/what should be fixed ? i.e. where in the kodi source is the discover reply transformed into a list of browseable sources that can be video sources ?



P.S. I'm willing to share more info on the setup if others are interested

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Does kodi only accept upnp video sources on the same network as the client ?0