Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Merge Duplicate Library Items
I have two different locations for TV Shows configured in my Library sources  One has files stored locally, and the other has strm files.

I see both when navigating my Library  Doesn't Kodi natively merge or ignore or aggregate items that are the same episode or movie?

Is there an Add-on that manage this and hide duplicates?
No - or at least not AFAIK.  You could use smart playlists or video nodes to see only local movies / only local tv / only strm movies / only strm tv depending which menu you click - rather than a menu item pointing to movies and one to tv.
You could use a different profile for streams, but I think profile support is a bit shonky at the moment, and (from reading here) they'll possibly be dropped at least temporarily for v19.
I find this really surprising! There are lots of great free addons that have library integration, but if they have the same shows/movies - they show up duplicate. I would have thought Kodi would have programmed in the ability to merge/aggregate this by now.

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