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Subs with DLNA on a Pana TV
Hello guys.
I have Kodi 15.1 on a MacBookPro with Yosemite. I use the MacBook as DLNA server. I stream to a Panasonic 32 inch 2014 led tv.
Now the question. Is there a "working way" to have external subtitles, .srt files, sent to the TV?
With internal subs everything works fine. External subs are ok in local if I use the MacBook as player, but I didn't find a way to have them played on the TV, when on the remote I try to choose subs there are no subs available. Tried with different movies/tv series. With Servioo for example this works fine (I had only to select Panasonic as TV). If this should work and there is somebody here that tried this with a similar Panasonic TV, I'll post here my log to show you, maybe I am doing something wrong.
Kodi -> Settings -> Services -> UPnP -> Look for external subs
Thanks Ned, It is already on that parameter and I haven't find other parameters to change.
I also renamed all files with FileBot and re-created my 2 libraries, Movies and Tv Show, but nothing.
Panasonic TVs inability to handle external subtitles via DLNA is the reason I swapped over to KODI. I have a 2012 model, and it just refuses to acknowledge external subtitle files. This meant I setup KODI on some scrap hardware and installed that under the TV attached via HDMI. Removed so many headaches for me.

In my case I used an old Core 2 Duo PC. You could pickup a Pi if you want to be cheap. It just removes the headaches that way. Having KODI directly attached just made the TV so much more "smart" than the built in options.
Thanks BatterPudding, I believe you, so in your experience no way to achieve this in wifi, better use proper HW attached via HDMI.
It is a shame because everything else is working fine for me using Kodi in wifi. Thanks.
(2015-08-23, 21:36)BatterPudding Wrote: Panasonic TVs inability to handle external subtitles via DLNA is the reason I swapped over to KODI. I have a 2012 model, and it just refuses to acknowledge external subtitle files. This meant I setup KODI on some scrap hardware and installed that under the TV attached via HDMI. Removed so many headaches for me.

In my case I used an old Core 2 Duo PC. You could pickup a Pi if you want to be cheap. It just removes the headaches that way. Having KODI directly attached just made the TV so much more "smart" than the built in options.

The problem is NOT the Panasonic TV... DLNA does NOT support subtitle streaming. It's a tech fact!

The most recent version of Kodi streams subtitles (even external ones) to my Panasonic DLNA TV. How it does that, i don't know... :\
Wow - that post was only four years ago!! Big Grin I never went back to DLNA as so many other features missing.  Don't waste your time with it - use KODI instead.

I am not bashing Panasonic in this thread.  The TV is still going well.  That post says that the combination of using the TV and DLNA was lacking when compared with KODI's abilities.

Are you sure you are not looking at a video with embedded subtitles?  It is the external .srt text files that this thread was about.
(2019-05-12, 11:49)BatterPudding Wrote: Wow - that post was only four years ago!! Big Grin I never went back to DLNA as so many other features missing.  Don't waste your time with it - use KODI instead.

I am not bashing Panasonic in this thread.  The TV is still going well.  That post says that the combination of using the TV and DLNA was lacking when compared with KODI's abilities.

Are you sure you are not looking at a video with embedded subtitles?  It is the external .srt text files that this thread was about.
I'm trying to understand how does Kodi handle external subs over DLNA! Is it only supported on Samsung and Panasonic TVs (because they extend the original DLNA protocol) or they found a way to stream the subtitles in a standardized way?

I tested plenty of media servers over the years, and NONE had the ability to stream subs (either internal or external!)
That was five years ago so the memory is rusty.  I can't remember the details, but external subs could not be used via DLNA.  The subs had to be embedded into the video files.

Or maybe they only worked if they were a certain type of sub name exactly the same as the video file.  I do know it was a headache to manage.

DLNA was not "complete" enough for my needs.  Different issues occurred with different video types.

Once I swapped to using KODI via HDMI there were many many more benefits.

I can't remember the exact what did and did not work, but KODI just bypassed that for me with many other features.

Get yourself an old laptop, or a Raspberry PI, or some device you can leave attached to the TV.  You will avoid soooooo many headaches that way.

(And I have gone through a few decade's worth of Media Centre software and hardware... was making me laugh looking at my old DLNA notes just now - such a complex mess to get something to work that KODI does so well)

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Subs with DLNA on a Pana TV0