Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v18 Recent Episodes Widget shows Blank Icons
My recent episodes widget shows some generic blank icons where I would expect TV posters. Not all the shows... just some of them. If I browse to the individual shows/seasons they all seem to have correct artwork, so this seems to be some kind of issue where a blank artwork was cached by the Widget.

I've tried switching the Widget between wide and tall artwork but it uses the same blank images in both cases.

Anyone know how to reset the cache for just the TV widgets so it builds new icons for these entries?
Also FWIW: I don't need a GUI solution: I'm happy to SSH into the Kodi box and rm the right files if you know where they're located relative to the main Kodi directory.
This happens to me from time to time if there is no artwork for the episode either locally or at the scraper site (either theTVDB or theMovieDB).  Kodi will generate an internal thumbnail, but it doesn't happen when the episode is first loaded.  Once you've viewed it on one of the other screens and seen an image, you can either way until the next home screen refresh or refresh the skin.  I do that by assigning a remote key or one of the function keys on the keyboard to the ReloadSkin() function.  I think you can do it from the command line using /usr/bin/kodi-send --action="ReloadSkin()"
(2019-06-03, 19:10)pkscout Wrote: This happens to me from time to time if there is no artwork for the episode either locally or at the scraper site (either theTVDB or theMovieDB).  Kodi will generate an internal thumbnail, but it doesn't happen when the episode is first loaded.  Once you've viewed it on one of the other screens and seen an image, you can either way until the next home screen refresh or refresh the skin.  I do that by assigning a remote key or one of the function keys on the keyboard to the ReloadSkin() function.  I think you can do it from the command line using /usr/bin/kodi-send --action="ReloadSkin()"

Thanks @pkscout I gave that a try but it didn't seem to fix my issue. I poked around a bit more and it seems to be a skin issue. I don't see the same problem on the default Estuary skin. I'll report the issue to the skin devs (OSMC).

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Recent Episodes Widget shows Blank Icons0